Friday, July 24, 2020

Since Children 10 to 19 Spread the Coronavirus as much as adults do

It might not be practical to open schools for 10 to 19 year olds but it might be practical to open schools for 5 to 9 year olds across the U.S. However, children do sometimes die of coronavirus AT ANY AGE. So, this is a factor too.

Note: It's interesting to me that puberty appears to be where this virus starts really going. Because age 10 is when some boys and girls are capable physically of having children. It might only be 20% to 30% of children in this category and the rest become fertile between then and age 15 or 16 years of age depending upon the genetics of the family and the health of the child.

But, what is interesting to me is that this is even more evidence that coronavirus was genetically designed as something to reduce the populations of sexually active or capable children or adults.

This wouldn't make too much sense in any virus unless it was genetically designed using something like a supercomputer to reduce populations either capable of reproducing or in retirement ages.

So, my present theory is that someone used a supercomputer to design this virus specifically to reduce or end human populations on earth.

All you would need is one individual that believed humans should go extinct that wouldn't necessarily be a loyal member of ANY government on earth to do this.

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