Friday, July 10, 2020

Watching "Natural Selection" worldwide is Heartbreaking

It's presently much like what happened in World War II and other wars. This time it is a pandemic war happening on everyone on earth.

In watching what is happening here in the U.S. we are seeing mostly Black and Native American and Hispanic people dying. We are watching people over 40 or people with health issues dying the most. We are watching everyone scared and changing psychologically in order to try to survive. We are watching poorer less educated people dying worldwide.

So, who is dying the most?

People over 40 years of age and people who have to work or live or both in close conditions with people who aren't relatives or room mates.

So, not being able to avoid people who aren't taking precautions (whether they are room mates or family members or not) is causing people to die worldwide.

Who will survive the most?

People who can self-isolate and not spend time around other people who are potential carriers. People who are living more high tech lives who can be social through computers and smart phones. People who can scientifically think but also act upon the scientific advances they learn about.

Everyone else might not make it this century.

There is another group that might survive this century:

They are the nomads who live completely without technology and cars on horseback who might be nomadic wanderers who isolate themselves or their group from all others whether they are in some place like a remote part of the Andes or Amazon Rain forest or even in the wilderness in the U.S. or Canada or Siberia or Mongolia or anywhere they can be remote on earth in deserts or wildernesses away from all civilization entirely.

So, the above groups are more likely to survive this century than any others.

If you have to work around a lot of people you might not be here much longer (along with your family) unless you are taking enough precautions.

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