Saturday, July 18, 2020

What creates the adapted Child in all people?

Understanding the above triad helps people recognize what causes an adapted child in everyone as they are growing up. There is no perfect family in regard to this triad or symbol. But, it is what causes everyone to have problems in their life. Everyone would like to be the rescuer but most of us start out as the victim. And the problem is that if you were once the victim it is difficult for many people not to later on become the persecutor of their children or others in their lives.

So, learning to stop this cycle of ongoing abuse in your life is one of the most important things you will ever learn in life.

My father was a victim along with his 4 other siblings in his family by his father. However, he was also valedictorian of his senior high school class. So, when I was born he chose never to spank me because he wanted to break this cycle of abuse. However, he still was verbally abusive because this wasn't something he had overcome from his own experiences. But, he chose never to spank me except once in public for something the neighborhood needed to see me punished for when I was about 9 years old.

The goal in life is not to be a persecutor or a Victim. All children are victims of those who raise them and teach them but the goal is not to turn that on others as a persecutor as an adult. If you turn that into persecution of others then you have failed as an adult.

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