Thursday, August 13, 2020

CNN: Can I get coronavirus from swimming in open water, like in a lake or seawater? What about in a public pool or hot tub?

begin quote from:
Can I get coronavirus from swimming in open water, like in a lake or seawater? What about in a public pool or hot tub?
It’s not the water you need to worry about. It’s how close you might get to other people.
“Properly maintained pool water will not be a source of spread of the virus. The chlorine that’s in it will inactivate the virus fairly quickly,” immunologist Erin Bromage said.
“The level of dilution that would happen in a pool or an ocean or a large freshwater body would not lead to enough virus to establish an infection. But when you do this, you need to just make sure that we’re maintaining an appropriate physical distance while swimming or sitting in a hot tub.”
That’s because it’s easy for infected people with no symptoms to spread the virus if they’re within 6 feet from each other. If you have an indoor pool or hot tub, even 6 feet might not be enough distance.

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