Wednesday, August 12, 2020


I looked up the definition of pragmatism and didn't like the way they took it deep into philosophic terms.

I wanted a practical way to explain pragmatism to all of you.

So, this is my definition which will help all of you survive your lives better now in the age of coronavirus.

Pragmatism allows a person to survive anything by realizing in any given moment that first and foremost you have to find a way to physically, mentally and emotionally survive ANY situation you find yourselves in. So, the first point is you have to survive so that you can help your family survive too.

So, unless you prioritize your survival (any way you can) the people who depend upon you might not survive either.

But, here is my method around pragmatism: "Be as kind as you can to yourself and others while still surviving"

What I mean by this is when times get rough enough you are going to survive no matter what so you can keep your family alive too. But, whenever possible be as kind as you can to yourself and others.

However, if it comes to the point whether you survive or not you do whatever it takes to survive whatever comes in your life.

By God's Grace

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