Thursday, November 26, 2020

Has Trump caused the Self Destruction of the Republican Party and possibly the U.S. Economy?

 He might have not only destroyed the Republican party but also economically destroyed America too by putting us so in debt we can never dig out of our mess.

However, this being said Europe and Japan bailed us out of bankruptcy after the Viet Nam War because we had helped them after World War II by lending them money and selling them goods when most factories in Europe and Japan had been destroyed by bombers in World war II. So, by rebuilding their infrastructures and helping start democratic governments in Japan and Europe once again the U.S. was then helped when we were going bankrupt after the Viet Nam war at that time.

Because the Viet Nam War was a complete economic boondoggle and a complete waste of money and lives at that time. But, Europe and Japan helped us then.

However, we don't know what they will do now after Trump. Hopefully, Biden helps them again and we can start getting back more to normal once again with Europe and Japan and other allies.

Iraq and Afghanistan also cost at least 6 trillion dollars that would likely have been better spent on replacing American infrastructure too. And the expense in Afghanistan is still not over almost 20 years later now.

Almost weekly a rusty U.S. bridge collapses or someone's house blows up from Gas mains going that are 50 to 75 years old and need replacing.

Where is the money to replace our infrastructure?

Or Did Trump take it all with him in Bribes from foreign nations?

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