Friday, November 27, 2020

It's important to understand you can still get coronavirus after getting a vaccine!

 This is true for several weeks after receiving the vaccine while your body builds up an immunity. The other question that has never been answered correctly to my satisfaction is: 

"How long is a person immune after it kicks in within a few weeks after receiving the vaccine?"

This is likely different depending upon how old you are and the general condition of your immune system.

So, maybe you could be immune at ages 12 to 30 for 6 months but only for a month at age 60 or above?

Feeling immortal and back to normal after receiving a vaccine is extremely dangerous for anyone over 30 or 40 years of age by the way! Because there are just too many unknowns about vaccines at this point as they go into the general population or even individual reactions to the vaccines worldwide.

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