Thursday, November 5, 2020

Redding, California is having a serious outbreak of Coronavirus caused by a religious cult there

 There was an international religious conference that caused 300 people to get coronavirus and then they went home to their home countries infected. This has caused a massive amount of new coronavirus cases in Redding California. This cult has threatened the Redding City government and has enough economic clout in the area to have succeeded so far in preventing the city from Shutting this cult's churches down in the area. 

However, likely because of this present outbreak a friend of mine had to do business in Redding and appears to have gotten Coronavirus because he has a fever of 101 to 102 degrees and likely was exposed last Sunday in a different church in Redding than the cult's churches.

It's a lot like what happened in the Rose Garden where Trump and around 24 others were exposed because they didn't wear masks that day even though they were all tested with quick tests.

However, people then thought they would be safe after the quick tests. They weren't.

The problem appears to be a combination of not wearing masks and quick tests which appears to be a fatal combination  to more people every day now.

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