Friday, November 27, 2020

the coronavirus problem happened to a friend of mine after getting a flu shot

In other words she got the flu just after getting the flu shot but didn't get as sick as her husband because she had had the flu shot and he hadn't had it. So, if you get the coronavirus vaccine and then get coronavirus within a few weeks of getting the vaccine then hopefully it won't be as bad as it would have been but you could still get coronavirus within a few weeks of getting the vaccine.

Whereas my wife and I didn't get the flu that our friends got because we had had our flu shots about a month before. So, we avoided one of the worst 2 week flus of the season that was so bad that they thought they had coronavirus instead of the flu. So, even if you think you have coronavirus it might just be the really bad flu going around this season that takes about 2 weeks to get over and lays you flat on your back to the point where you might be considering going to a hospital.

But, wearing a mask is greatly reducing people getting flu this year to so many less people are dying of the flu because everyone is wearing masks and so not spreading the flu as much (in places where they are wearing masks). 

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