Tuesday, December 15, 2020

How did We Get HERE? Chapter 4 The Pentagon and the UN

Note: I'm starting Chapter 4 as a way to solve a software problem of print size at the end of Chapter 3. So, Chapter 3 will be shorter than Chapter 1 or Chapter 2.

Here is a Link to Chapter 1 if you haven't started reading this yet. There should be links from Chapter 1 to 2, 3 and here to 4 if you wish.

As the men flew towards the Pentagon and the United Nations Building they felt sort of sick at what they had seen from 2080 to 2095 worldwide. It put them in a melancholy place where humor and life itself was hard to come by. And knowing now that they were going to have to talk about this not only to superiors but as witnesses of it all to who knows how many United Nations officials or U.S. Senators or U.S. Congressmen or women it took their breath away to have to contemplate this.

Captain Forward spoke into a tape recorder (a digital version in their equipment) and tried to translate what was in the parchment into something useful for them to say. 

He stopped recording for a moment while Lieutenant Back was flying the Lear Jet for fun and Arcane was teaching him elements important to flying this new toy they were in. For all three of them are excellent pilots which is why the Officers were chosen for this assignment in the first place after being trained by UNUS in caverns under the Swiss Alps which cannot be seen from space which is why they are trained there. Scanners can penetrate down through 20 or more story buildings by the way or sideways into all buildings no matter how tall they are by the way. But, at least then they couldn't penetrate down through solid rock a mile or more deep from Satellites then in 1992.

Finally, Captain Foward had recorded what he wanted and said to Arcane: "Can you copy what I just said so we have at least 2 copies of my translations into how I think about all this, Arcane?"

Arcane said, "Everything said on this plane is recorded for posterity just so you know but yes it is all taken care of. Anything that needs to be cleaned up for historical purposes will be also by His Oneness or me by the way too. So, if you hand me the parchment I'll make it disappear."

Captain Forward: "Where will it go?

Arcane: "It will be kept by His Oneness in perpetuity in Shambala and either the original or a copy will be sent to Galactic archives for historians to keep for Earth for when all mankind might be allowed to know about all of this. Also, around 2020 Jonathan Flow will release some of this information to the world because that's what the Galactic Sentience wants."

Captain Forward: "Who is Jonathan Flow?" 

Arcane: "He is my same soul born on earth in 1948 who chronicles a lot of this for the Galaxy."

Captain Forward: This might sound like an odd question but how old is he here in 1992?

Arcane: "That's okay. He's likely 44 years old."

Captain Forward: So, he's almost 20 years more than the Lieutenant and I?"

Arcane: "Yes."

Captain Forward: "How do you know he still will be alive in 2020?"

Arcane: "I just know that he will make the choices that will keep him alive until then."

Captain Forward: "I keep forgetting that you travel time all the time."

Arcane Smiled: "Besides, I meet him when I'm 27 when I come to earth 1 million years into the future!"

Captain Forward had no idea what to do with that information so he just didn't say anything.

Arcane just laughed. He thought this was a great joke on everyone, including himself and Jonathan Flow.

Jonathan Flow was thinking about all this in 2020. He had been told about some of this by Arcane in the early 2000s. Elohar and Ragna even before around 2000 AD had said that even when the 2nd timeline was finished it was really going to be a job to maintain it to keep the human race alive but that it HAD to be done and would be done by those associated with the Galactic Government and by Patriots who had been born on earth who didn't want the human race to go extinct.

So, one way or another it would be accomplished. The only question was "who was going to do it?"

No matter what anyone did to the contrary there are 100 million times more people in the Galaxy than on earth to make this happen any way you think about it. Everyone had heard of what had happened to Maldek and Mars and most people in the Milky Way Galaxy thought it was the dumbest thing that they had ever heard of that Maldek's blowing up wasn't corrected by Time Travel.

But, I suppose there are SOME apocalyptic religious people who all want to die on every planet. It's just the amount of them is usually not that many when compared to the whole group. So, now with earth it is just. a matter of manpower and time traveling devices to keep earth happening and not turning into another Maldek.

So, Earth won't become Maldek or better said Earth won't stay Maldek very long if it happens because the Galaxy took away the right of the people of earth to own their own planet after Maldek. The people on earth don't own earth but do run their own timelines (to a greater or lesser degree).

Besides, Earth has been for millions of years a Galactic Park and Galactic Parks are not planets that anyone can really own. They are publicly owned by the whole Galaxy sort of like Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon and Yosemite National Parks and others.

However, beings who come here don't want to scare the native creatures like Humans and animals and birds so they appear to be people or animals or rocks or trees or leaves or whatever they want to appear as to commune with nature on earth.

It's always been this way and likely always will.

Finally, Arcane landed the Lear Jet in Washington DC.

Air Force Generals were there to greet them.

The head general said, "So, what's the answer? Were we right?"

Captain Forward said: "Yes Sir. Unfortunately we were completely right. Everyone dies by 2095."

The General being an older person looked like he was going to pass out there for a moment but then said to everyone: "Well. We've got our work cut out for all of us in most nations here on earth!"

This was a code phrase that was then relayed to all nations that were a part of the United Nations in 1992.

This phrase meant: "Folks. We're screwed."

Next, the General Said, "You you two gentlemen okay? Can you stand up to the questioning you will receive now?"

Captain Forward: "I think so, Sir but maybe Lieutenant Back should speak for himself?"

Lieutenant Back: "It's a little overwhelming but we made it this far and we are both still in one piece!"

Captain Forward: "I agree completely with that!"

The General Said, "Well. That's why we chose you two, you are the best of the best."

Both said, "Thank you, Sir!" and smiled and photos were taken for the archives (even though this was an Above Top Secret Assignment that publicly at least was never going to see the light of day (until Jonathan Flow was sanctioned to write about it by the Galactic Sentience some time in 2020 during an earlier pandemic that wasn't as fatal as the last one in the 2080s and 2090s."

You could tell the Generals weren't too happy about this outcome. It likely meant listening to awful things and watching movies of people dying and dead people all over the world. And you could see the death pallor coming into their faces by what they were about to face.

Arcane having brought them here was sort of like another secret general of the Air Force and eventually the Space Force (even though he might have to pretend he was his own son in order to pull that off one day.

Strangely enough, it was now September 11th 1992, 9 years before 9-11-01 that all this was happening.

It's almost as if someone planned it this way?

They were all ushered into a large auditorium immediately. They just weren't going to wait. People who knew what was going on went to the bathroom and threw up because they knew what was coming. Everyone knew the drill who had seen war and mayhem before in the military gathered there. 

All the Generals in the Pentagon of all the Branches of the U.S. military were there taking notes with pale faces knowing now what was coming. But, Even then they weren't prepared for it. Someone smart had brought Kleenex Tissue and passenger jet vomit bags for everyone in the auditorium. (At least someone was prepared for all this)

The head Air Force General and commanding officer of Captain Forward and Lieutenant Back came on stage to introduce the two young officers bringing the bad news to everyone.

The Air Force Head General Said, "Unfortunately Gentlemen, we were right!"

I want to welcome all the Generals and staff of all the Armed Services here in the Pentagon. Some of you have come from all over the world for this first briefing. The men have just flown from Mt. Shasta California where Time Travel is easier for some reason because of the mountain there."

I want to introduce Captain Forward and Lieutenant Back our two intrepid  Brave Time Astronauts who actually survived this mission. I personally think going to the moon would be a picnic compared to what they had to endure.

Captain Forward and Lieutenant Back stepped forward to the podium. Both of them were accomplished public speakers for a variety of reasons already.

Captain Forward: "I want to thank all of you for coming and hearing us. We haven't had time to organize everything but the advantage of this is we were witnessing everything you will see here yesterday. We have only had one night in a hotel in Mt. Shasta to recover from everything we went through personally as well as everything we witnessed."

"The one thing you might need to know about all this is we had unexpected help or both of us would have died in the future and a time war between 2080 and 1992 would have erupted."

"Those that rescued us did so just before we were murdered." There was anger in the crowd of Generals at this point.

"They were also time travelers as well as we were only more advanced than we were."

The Head Air Force General Said, "Who were these people who helped you?"

I cannot fully identify them but they said that we had been killed before they rescued us and this created a time war between 1992 and 2080 between the Pentagon now and the Pentagon then."

"Shit! What did you run into?" Said the General. He couldn't contain himself any longer.

Others in the audience were really angry now that the Pentagon of the future had made an attempt on their lives.

Captain Forward: "The other Time Travelers were in place to prevent this war that resulted from our deaths. So, the problem was avoided. However, we couldn't do business because  two of the Air Force Generals in 2080 were being bribed with millions of dollars from aliens who wanted humans to completely go extinct."

The main Air Force General said, "Can you prove any of this?"

Captain Forward: "AT this point it is redundant completely because the war has been avoided by our not dying then. Besides, none of these people are likely even to exist on the present timeline we are on.

The other time travelers also told us how to fight and win such a war here in 1992. They said we should prevent the births of the offenders so they couldn't harm us here in 1992 if necessary. However, because we are going to have to radically change the timeline in order for humans to survive I'm not sure all that is necessary.

"They said that we don't have the technology that they have in 2080 so we would lose that way but the one advantage is that we could eliminate the offenders by preventing their births."

Do you know who the offenders are?" Said the head Air Force General.

"Not Really because 5 Air Force generals came to see us and the head general and three of the generals weren't trying to kill us that we know of. "

The air Force main General: "How did the Time Travelers save you?"

Captain Forward: "They sent someone we know to save our lives that we trust."

The Air Force General said, "So they are also here now in 1992 the time travelers?"

Captain Forward: "Yes. They said they are a part of the Galactic Government."

AF General: "And do you believe them?"

Captain Forward: " Yes. Because of the things they showed us."

AF General: "What did they show you?"

"Well. The biggest most amazing thing they showed us was a Green sphere that instantly goes from any time or space. That was the single most mind boggling thing we saw."

AF General: "Did you ride in this Green Sphere with the time Travelers?"

Captain Forward: "Yes. Because what kills mankind is a fatal virus that eventually kills everyone. So, we had to ride in it to protect ourselves from this virus that killed everyone."

AF General: "Are you sure you didn't bring this virus back with you?"

Captain Forward: "Yes. Because it didn't start until 2084 or 2085. They mentioned that we are going to get hit with something as bad as the 1918 Spanish Flu in 2019 and that it would start in China in Wuhan."

AF General: "Make a note of that so we can prepare for this gentlemen and Ladies." He looked plaintively out into the audience like he was going to cry or something. Everyone completely understood. This was horrific news!

AF General: "So. What happened?"

Captain Forward: "Well. After he rescued us he took us to a dimension that is on or near earth where people don't die."

AF General: "This sounds a little like a fairy tale now gentlemen."

Captain Forward: "I think I need to share the videos now so you can see what we faced next because unless you were there with us NO ONE is going to believe what we actually experienced there from 2080 to 2095. By 2095 we were in Switzerland and all my relatives were dead in my family's village for example. So, when we got there everyone was already dead."

Captain Forward: "Here is the video for example in Switzerland. You can see everyone is dead. We tried not to show so you wouldn't be as apt to throw up bodies being eaten by Crows and Vultures and wild dogs so we tried to video people who had just recently died before they were eaten over time."

At this point some of the weaker stomaches were as quietly as possible either throwing up into a passenger jet vomit bag or running with the bag on their face to the bathrooms.

Absolutely everyone understood. This was really rough to witness.

Video after video from Paris, London, Berlin and Rome etc. Then Beijing and Bangkok and Tokyo and New Delhi and then Bethlehem and Tel Aviv and Baghdad and Cairo and Islamabad and Constantinople and more and more world wide known cities. Everyone was dead. In the distance sometimes you could see crows and turkey vultures landing on people but up close you couldn't see anything wrong but instead just dead bodies everywhere.

As they went through city after city after city of dead people more people went to the bathroom or just vomited in a vomit bag. some of the men were very macho and were not going to miss a moment of this just for posterity sake more than anything else. Everyone there knew this was much worse than horrific, they knew absolutely everything would have to change on earth to keep people somehow alive ongoing into the future.

Finally, Captain Forward said, "This has been pretty rough for all of us. We have gathered the evidence of the extinction of mankind between about 2084 and 2095. Somehow during this period everyone dies.

Captain Forward: "I've saved this for last because it is really hard to watch. Just watching this likely is going to give you PTSD of some sort so I'm warning you ahead of time. This happened along the Sacramento River near the little Town of Mt. Shasta. It concerns the life and the death of a family of 3 people, a father, a mother and a 5 year old son. And if you choose you are going to watch how they slowly died over a month. After we watched this we didn't want to watch anyone else die because it shows what this virus actually does to them. And the hardest part is the child dies last and that is likely the most horrific part to watch of all."

This will show you what is coming for everyone by 2084 to 2095  if we do nothing at all. And no human beings will be left alive at all.

With that the video began and people started crying almost immediately and one by one people walked out while watching this. Those with weak stomachs left first and by the end there wasn't a dry eye in the whole auditorium. Those who watched the whole thing were stunned and horrified in a very deep way.

Captain Forward: "If you wish you can ask questions now if the General agrees with us?"

AF General: "Yes. I think that's a good idea."

First question: "Were the people who saved you UFOS?"

Captain Forward: "I don't really know how to answer that except to say they spoke perfect English and looked exactly like you and me. There were no perceptual differences. You could walk by them on the street and not look twice. They would and do fit right in like anyone else here in this room."

First questioner: "So, could they have been from the future?"

Captain Forward: "At one point one of them told me he had been born on a water planet about 1 million years into the future."

First questioner: "Did you believe him?"

Captain Forward: "After what we had been shown we had no reason to doubt him. However, it's true unless I was there 1 million years in the future with him I couldn't say for sure."

First questioner: "Amazing!"

First Questioner: "Can I ask another question?"

Captain Forward: "Okay."

First questioner: "Did you travel back in your time Saucer or did you return in the Green Sphere?"

Captain Forward: "General is this a question I'm allowed to answer?"

the General Said, "I think it's better you don't go into details regarding your time conveyance for a variety of reasons regarding world security."

First questioner: "I completely understand. Thank you for answering my first question.

2nd question: "How do you feel after all this? Has it affected your health?

Captain Forward: "Well. We were chosen because we tend to stay calm and focused in all situations and then we are trained to stay calm even if we have to run for our lives like we did during this journey at one point. So, Lieutenant Back and I are naturally calm people that don't usually get that upset no matter what happens. I suppose if we see people die like you just saw we both wound up crying when they died because we got attached to this small family of 3. They were good people and we were very sad that they all died, especially what happened to the 5 year old. That was just awful to have to watch.

2nd questioner: "So, what did the time travelers say to you about your life spans?"

Captain Forward: "They said that both of us would live over 100 years which was nice to know."

2nd questioner: "Did you believe them?"

Captain Forward: Well. Like I said before with what they showed us we had no reason not to believe them."

2nd questioner: "Would you ever travel time again?

Captain Forward: "Well. we are trained for this sort of like Astronauts are trained for traveling space. We are trained for traveling time. So, we are ready to travel time if our government wants us too as long as we are able."

AF General: "I'm afraid that's all the time for questions we have right now folks." People clapped for the presentation even though almost everyone was wrecked by it. People had glazed looks on their faces wondering what all this meant as they talked in small groups and slowly filed out of the auditorium.

Later that evening the General and the two Time Travelers sat in the General's office and the General Said, "What's this about other time travelers?"

Captain Forward: "This is a tricky situation, General. Because of the stance of the U.S. Government publicly regarding UFOs because of their time travel nature it's going to be a really sticky issue to ever bring any of this up publicly. I had to be really careful of what I said in front of all those Generals even though it is vital that much of this information be known by them for a 1000 different reasons."

"Here's the problem in reality, General. There is a Galactic Government that doesn't want the human race to go extinct but then there are religious people here on earth who are apocalyptic in nature who believe their holy books are invalidated if the human race Doesn't go extinct at some point. So, because all these things are true in multiple earth religions we have a problem. And that problem is that the Galactic Government is 'one way or the other keep humans of earth alive here on earth even though probably at a much lower level of humans here on earth. They just don't want humans to die off completely but they cannot have us at the present level of humans either because that will cause human extinction too as we witnessed in the future."

The General looked scared at all this information. He could see all this was a no win situation in dealing with all the Generals and leaders in all the armed forces at this point. And so he said, "This is a no win situation for all of us if certain aspects become public isn't it?"

Captain Forward: "Yes. I agree. And yet to say nothing isn't going to work either. So, what can we say to let people know that others are helping the human race not go extinct?"

The AF General said, "I don't think at least right now talking about all this would be useful."

Captain Forward: "Then I'm not sure exactly how to proceed. Can you help me with this?"

The AF General: I will write your speech for the United Nations private meeting with world leaders that you two will be present at as witnesses. I will get up there and introduce you but let me do most of the talking, okay? And I really don't want to hear about all the people who helped you at this point because I won't be able to get it passed the Air Force Brass or the other military services Brass. It's a non-starter because it's a career killer for all of us at least at this point in time."

The next week they were set to speak before the United Nations Security Council. But, since all nations were affected by this a representative from each nation was going to be present to to witness these proceedings.

The Security Council often meets around a circular table and surrounding this circular large table there were chairs of representative members all around the walls of the outer walls of the chamber.

The AF General in charge of Captain Forward and Lieutenant Back was introduced. He said, 

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the UN. Distinguished leaders from around the world. What brings us together today is very unfortunate. But because we now know the future we can change it to prevent human extinction later this century!"

Upset murmurs were heard throughout the room but soon a hush fell over all present. The AF GENERAL:"I know this is awful stuff we have to deal with but it seems that the human race goes extinct between the mid 2080s and the mid 2090s this century."

Someone from the Security Council Said, "But, how do we know this?"

The AF General Said,"We have gone forward in time and seen this."

Same member of the Security Council:"Who has seen this?"

the AF GENERAL: "I have two witnesses who traveled through time and witnessed this and they are Captain Forward and Lieutenant Back".

The Af General: I want to formally introduce to the United Nations Security Council and all interested observers to this function Captain Forward  and Lieutenant Back of the United States Air Force of the Time Traveling Division.

Same member of the Security Council: "What did you see when you went forward in time to Earth and what date was it when you arrived?"

Captain Forward: "It was the summer of 2080 and we arrived in Mt. Shasta where time travel is more easy to accomplish, Sir. What we saw at first was  that the virus or pandemic hadn't arrived yet as of 2080. It didn't seem to arrive until around 2084. And then people died from then until around 2095 when the last of humanity died."

Same member of the Security Council: "Did you bring the infection here?"

Captain Forward: "NO. Because we were in time conveyances that were present in 2080 so we didn't have to be exposed to the virus at all. Would you like to see some of the videos we took of dead bodies all over the world and we also did a time lapse of a small family in Mt. Shasta that were camped out near the end of human life on earth. It shows how the virus eventually kills them."

Captain Forward: "However, since you are not necessarily military people this might be really hard to watch so if any of you are squeamish you might not want to watch any of this."

 Security Council Member: "I want to vote to see how we want to handle this. We don't want to start group PTSD throughout all the members here!"

Other Security Council Member:"I agree. We aren't all trained to witness battle Casualties let alone the whole human race dying."

It was decided that most of the members would leave except for the few that thought they had stomachs to watch this so about 1/2 of the members left who would return after all the videos were shown.

When they returned most of the members were ashen faced or wiping tears from their eyes at what they had seen.

The leader that day of the Security Council of the United Nations said,"All the member nations need to take this to your think tanks to try to draw up some sort of plan to address this so we don't go extinct like this. We need to figure out a way forward."

The leader of the Security council said, "IF we change time can your Time Travelers go forward to see the results and if they worked?"

The AF General Said, "Yes. I think that would be both useful and strategic!"

"Then we will all go to our think tanks and try to come up with a solution that actually works. The good part is that we can do something and see if it works. And if it does we will leave that method in place in our time line."

By the way this particular United Nations Security Council Member was His Oneness of Lemuria and Shambala with another name in another role.

You might ask how this was done. Well. I can tell you. An android (perfect human bio-robotic replica) that looks exactly like His Oneness of Lemuria and Shambala lives here on earth in his place. But, when important things need to be done through the United Nations His Oneness shows up personally to fill his natural role here on earth as a world leader of the Security Council.

At least this was true in 1992 but maybe not today.

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