Wednesday, October 13, 2021

CNN Poll: If passed, impact of infrastructure/economic bills on your family:

 better off 25%

worse off 32%

About the same 43%

 This is an interesting set of comments by the People here in the U.S. if ONLY 25% think their lives would be better off with this legislation.

I think I would be in the category that my  life would be worse off from this legislation so I would fall into the 32% category.

However, the infrastructure bill to fix roads and bridges I think we need to pass. However, I would also like to see free Community college for everyone. I really think that would make a big difference here in the U.S. where everyone could go to college for free to around age 20 to 22 years of age right out of high school. Community College even though I had to pay for it helped save my young life especially when I took Philosophy Classes and Psychology Classes starting around age 21. It basically saved my life then in the early 1970s. Later in life I went to UCSC in Santa Cruz. Most people who graduate there get master's degrees or PHds. It is a very high level intellectual University. It taught me a lot.

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