Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Alien War: Chapter 20: Moksha visits New Deva and Young Arcane


Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Alien War: Chapter 20: Moksha visits New Deva and Young Arcane

 Moksha settled down with Young Arcane and Ah Ray In at his favorite beach hotel with Purple with their Olympic sized Sea water with sea life aquarium swimming pool at the Presidential Suite there.

Moksha was beginning to feel better now about all the changes. Plebant had been installed as King of the Marauders, Gree'n Delta 7 who was His Oneness of Earth's assistant for about 40,000 or 50,000 years now through time travel was assisting King Plebant in his staying alive and not getting assassinated (which might be quite a job actually because King Plebant was pretty eccentric to say the least). However, despite his eccentricities he would make a great King if he was protected from assassination.) Moksha sort of wondered how Plebant had stayed alive as long as he had already? Because he wouldn't be the normal type of person to become King of the Marauders. Even he, Moksha, was mostly just so intuitive and precognitive that he saw things coming unlike previous kings who died right and left.

He thought about this as Young Arcane and Ah Ray In Swam underwater in the Olympic sized swimming pool, being full Amphibians (unlike himself) who had been genetically engineered thousands of years ago as humans from earth originally who had genetically modified themselves for living on an almost completely water filled world at that time. 

Then he looked at Purple swimming right along side of them because she really didn't have to breathe air anyway. She mostly did it so she would look human and to make humans and other beings around her more comfortable around her. But, he noticed she also could swim sort of like a porpoise just like Young Arcane and Ah Ray In did only she wasn't breathing water to get oxygen because she didn't need to. 

After a while, Young Arcane first came out of the water and let the two ladies play in the water with all the sea life there.

Young Arcane came out of the water to a happily smiling Moksha who said, "Doesn't this remind you of the old days?"

Young Arcane: "We could invite Prophetess, but she's pregnant so we decided against it."

Moksha: "Oh. I'l love to see her even if she doesn't swim with us, Arcane."

Young Arcane:" Okay. I'll telepath with her to come if she's free."

Moksha: "That sounds good."

Young Arcane: "She says she will be here in about 1/2 an hour."

Moksha: "Great!"

Moksha looked at Young Arcane and said, "I have no idea what to do next as a Oneness of New Deva!"

Young Arcane: "That is to be expected. They wanted me to train you anyway because I was the Oneness until you were made the Oneness!"

Moksha: "I wasn't thinking about that!"

Young Arcane: "I had the Time Pool already as the Oneness and I also had the violet Purple flame on the forehead."

Moksha: "Why didn't you have it during the wedding?"

Young Arcane: "As a favor to me during the wedding I had His Oneness of earth carry it in his body for me. This way when the time was right he would pass the flame to you by shaking your hand. Actually during the wedding it started when you felt different after shaking his hand. And then later in Lahaina, Hawaii he shook your hand and the actual flame appeared on your forehead."

Moksha: "But, why wasn't I warned about all this?"

Young Arcane: "I wasn't warned either, Moksha. And without passing the flame to His Oneness and you I never could have married. That's one of the many reasons why I didn't want to be a Oneness anymore. I wanted to get married and have children."

Moksha: "Well. That likely means Purple and I cannot marry either?"

Young Arcane: "Purple is pretty sharp. I'm sure she knows this already."

Purple nodded from the large sea pool showing Moksha she knew this.

Moksha: "So, if we have kids it will be having a child with a consort then?"

Young Arcane: "The rights of the child of a Oneness have more rights than regular people throughout the galaxy generally speaking, so I wouldn't worry about it.  

Moksha: "So, do you have the Time Pool Set up somewhere I can see it?"

Young Arcane: "Yes. And a Violet Sphere or purple Sphere (whichever you wish to call it) has arrived. Do you want to see it?"

Moksha: "Wow! You have a Purple Violet Sphere?"

Young Arcane: "We will share it in our duties because it is capable of being two places at the same time."

Moksha: "How many places can it be at the same time?"

Young Arcane: "You know I asked it this question and it said that there is no limit to the number of places it can be at the same time."

Moksha: "By the way I'm still wearing an invisible glove that the Green Sphere of Older Arcane made for me."

Young Arcane: "What's it for?"

Moksha: "Oh. When I was going to need to talk to Arcane in other times and places the Green Sphere Arcane uses made it for me. It also made these Glasses. You should look through them."

Young Arcane: "They are made especially for you I'm not sure I should do this."

Moksha: Glasses! Can I let Young Arcane look through you?"

The Glasses said "Yes."

So, Moksha handed them to Young Arcane but young Arcane was laughing now at the silliness of all this.

Finally Young Arcane stopped laughing and accepted the Sunglasses from Hawaii and looked through them. 

He said, "They've got computer screens built into them, don't they?"

Moksha: "Old Arcane said they were texting screens directly from Old Arcane and Purple's minds."

Young Arcane: "Oh. That reminds me. As. Oneness you are a member of the Galactic Time guard as well and will run a division of them in regard to maintaining New Deva time lines."

Moksha: "You mean there is more than one timeline I'm looking over?"

Young Arcane: "Unfortunately Yes. For example, there is the Young Arcane timeline and then there is the Old Arcane timeline where Ah Ray In Dies and Old Arcane marries her reincarnation, Celeste Weaver.

Moksha: "Yes. That's true. I promised you both that I would travel to the new timeline with him and I did and now I'm back on the 2nd timeline with you where Ah Ray In doesn't die and here with Purple."

Young Arcane: "That's right!" So, you have to watch over the other timeline where you followed Old Arcane like you said you would to past time Earth and that region where you became King of the Marauders but also your loyalty to both me and Old Arcane is one reason why you are here as a Oneness now too! Also, you are the same soul as His Oneness of Earth, and me and Old Arcane and Jonathan Flow who becomes eventually Meridian."

Moksha: "I had no idea!"

Young Arcane: "This is why the Galactic Sentience trusts you because you are a relative of his like the rest of us."

Moksha: "Wow! We are all Galactic Royalty!"

Young Arcane: "That's Right! Moksha!"

Moksha: "How Long have you known we all are the same soul?"

Young Arcane: "Because of my training I knew when I first met you. That's why it was important for me to heal you as much as I was allowed to. Now Purple is finishing the details of what I couldn't do as a child for you. If I could have been more grown up you never would have been King of the Marauders which came from the details I couldn't heal within you because I was only a child trying to do adult work."

Moksha: "Well. I followed you as Old Arcane into the past like I promised I would and now I'm the Oneness of New Deva I guess too. I guess that's loyalty, isn't it?"

Young Arcane: "I would call it nobility, Moksha. You and I and all of us are the nobility of the Galaxy in our thoughts and behaviors. We think of the needs of others often before our own needs."

Moksha: "That's True, Isn't it?"

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