Thursday, October 14, 2021

The real time Consequences of a civilization built on a world that doesn't exist anymore is mass migrations and mass deaths in coming years

 This is pretty obvious to me and likely to others who have studied this problem as well. Where I live I'm on granite so earthquakes aren't as bad as where it is sand landfill like many places around San Francisco. If you are living on places built on landfill the earthquakes when they come often either throw your home off it's foundations or tear it in two or more pieces with roofs or walls often collapsing.

Over time most places in California before Earthquake building codes have either falling down or come falling down during Earthquakes. However, most houses built since the 1970s since the building codes got heftier are relatively safe in quakes.

However, we saw new York how people died in basement apartments during the new normal which is flash flooding there recently. And we saw how cars and trucks went through homes and businesses in Tennessee during the flash flooding there which was unlike anything they have ever seen before. In Germany, the same thing, Flash Flooding they had never seen before that wiped out or washed away many people in villages near one river there. In China people drowned in the Subways, In New York, waterfalls were common in some subways recently too to the point where many people are understandably afraid to ride the subways during a big rainstorm ever again which is likely a wise thing not to ride any subways during the new types of rain storms people are having around the world.

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