Saturday, November 19, 2022

I don't fully understand the dynamic of Lake effect snow: But:

This problem is definitely related to global climate changes. For example, I could see these kinds of changes in the Great Lakes (not now but in the future at some point) causing 20 to 100 feet of snow and ushering in an Ice Age starting in the great lakes and Rocky mountain region of the U.S.

For now, anyone without a snow plow in their area is landlocked at least for the weekend regarding cars and trucks and transportation. I've seen this sort of thing happen when 4 to 6 feet of snow falls in the little town of Mt. Shasta for people who own larger parcels of land and can't get out with vehicles sometimes for weeks when this happens. So, you either leave a vehicle closer to where the road is plowed by the city or county or state so you can snowshoe to your car,dig it out and drive to work or school or wherever you are going during these times.

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