Monday, November 14, 2022

I just realized that General Blue Star was in a plasmoid magnetic container when I called it a "Force Field" in my writings:

first quote from:

Sergeant Mark III and General Blue Star are in physical composition like the plasma energy beings I met even though Sergeant Mark III's temperament is more like a soldier of earth and not the temperament of any solar plasma being I have met. Though I am introducing the reader to the physicality of a star Plasma being I'm not trying to introduce the reader to the actual temperament or mind of a star plasma being.  

2nd quote from:

His Oneness said, "Ah! General Blue Star. So good to see you. I have long missed the military training schedules we had when I was young." General Blue Star had missed His Oneness as well. "Yes. I have missed our long talks and friendship as well." His Oneness then said, "Would you like to sit or stand, General?"

"I haven't tried sitting in a chair in a force field contained transport form for some time. Let's try that for fun!" His Oneness smiled in amuzement. General Blue Star chose and overstuffed chair. As he bent into position to sit one could hear the sparking sounds of arcing plasma as it changed forms within the force field to sit in a chair.

When he sat General Blue Star said, "Let's get down to business, Your Oneness!" "Fine." said His Oneness. "What I have recommended to the Galactic Sentience is an immortal plasma being like myself who sometimes occupies a psyborg Sergeant's previously deceased human form. Both the plasma being and the soul who previously operated the psyborg body were Deep Space Marine Sergeants. He is a veteran of several wars and battles I and feel he would be perfect for the job. He needs about one year for his newest psyborg implants to completely interface with the human body he sometimes wears. The implants need to more fully imbed themselves into the bodies nervous system. During this year he will constantly oversee all of Jonathan's life. He has an IQ of about 200 which is more than sufficient to deal with earthlings. I would also recommend a dimensional robot sentient called Purple Delta 7, who prefers to appear as a female sentient when manifesting as a human. She has proven to be outstanding in previous assignments such as being a bodyguard for Queen Victoria alongside of Sergeant Mark III and his Human body who's name was Sergeant Mark II. Sergeant Mark III interfaces extremely well with Purple Delta 7. Sergeant Mark III of the Sirius quadrant has the ability to appear as an earthborn human with or without the body of Sergeant Mark II. He can appear with or without the body as any object from a bottle of water to a rock, a boulder, a tree, a bush, a deer, a bear or anything else that is under the weight of 1 ton. He can even appear as an automobile that is drivable by humans down an interstate hiway or even at speeds up to 150 mph safely down a german Autobahn hiway."

His Oneness smiled at the thought of this and said, "You've certainly thought of everything." General Blue said, "Yes. Would you like to meet him? I have him right here with me." His Oneness smiled. Of course he would have him with him! The General was that efficient. His Oneness smiled at the General's audacity. His Oneness leaned over to his intercom. "Secretary! Some of our alarms may go off but the General and I are old friends from my youth in the Galactic Core so please disregard the alarms. I don't need any guards to rush in here unannounced!" "Yes Sir!" He could hear the fear in her voice but then she had never been off earth.

Part of the force field of General Blue Star came of and appeared first as a modern day Marine in humanoid form resembling an earthborn human. General Blue Star said, "I would like to introduce Sergeant Mark II of the Galactic Time Guard Deep Space Marines from the Sirius Sector."

The Sergeant said, "Yes Sir. If I may speak Sir?" General Blue Star Said, "Go ahead Sergeant" The Sergeant went on, "Your Holiness. I volunteered for this assignment because my father and Arcane were friends in Timekeeper school. My father spoke very highly of Arcane and his work here on Earth. I know more about both Earth and Arcane than any 'grunt' in the Deep Space Marines."

His Oneness looked deeply into the Sergeant. Hoever, the Sergeant was used to being Scanned by the Oneness of many other planets and dimensions and Stars that he had protected and defended before on behalf of the Galaxy. He stood there resolute and proud as a Marine while being scanned for what seemed to the Sergeant an eternity.

His Oneness finally said, "You are an excellent choice Sergeant Mark III." "Thank you Sir!" General Blue Star smiled as well. His Oneness went on, "I have but one request." "Yes Sir?" said the Sergeant. "If you come across any major alterations of Jonathan's timeline in any major way I want you to grab Jonathan out of time and bring him here to me." "Yes Sir. How will I know if it is severe enough a change to warrant bringing him here?" His Oneness walked over to a table and picked up a bracelet. He said to the Sergeant, "I want you to keep this with you at all times. Since you aren't always humanoid find some good way that it is always directly or indirectly connected to you." "Yes Sir!" said the Sergeant. His Oneness continued, "General Blue Star. I would like Galactic locks placed around its structure so it cannot be tampered with except by you me and the Sergeant and the Robot sentient only under the Sergeant's specific orders!" General Blue Star reach out his right "hand" and it was done. His Oneness went on, "This device is programmed to go off under certain dangerous conditions. During the course of Jonathan's life I know it will be certain to go off at least 10 times or more."

His Oneness handed a Disc to th Sergeant. "This disk contains all about Jonathan. It has his DNA, his ancestry forward and backward 10,000 years in each direction, his description and a photo of him everyday from birth to his feigned passing on. I want you to give it to Purple Delta 7 and tell her to look for ways up to 20 years before his conception to optimize his life, mental capacity, spiritual capacity, intuitive capacity and general knowledge to as near as possible align with Galactic Standards of education." The Sergeant looked a little nervous and then at General Blue Star and then said, "You mean we have Carte Blanche to "enhance Time". His Oneness said, "Yes!" while General Blue Star nodded. His Oneness continued, "His Holiness The Galactic Sentience and I have seen a wonderful opportunity for understanding between all the members of this galaxy in all times and all the members of other galaxies in all times. We intend to take advantage of this amazing opportunity. That is why you are sent here to protect Jonathan." The Sergeant Swallowed hard and said, "I thought I was just here to protect Soul Royalty!" His Oneness burned his mind into Sergeant Mark III. He said, "YOU ARE! However, you are also here to protect Soul Royalty in it's propagation of Good Will both within and beyond this galaxy." Sergeant Mark III hoped he had not bitten off more than he could chew politically. If he could have whistled he would have in amazement. His Oneness said, Is this responsibility acceptable to you, Sergeant?" The Sergeant said, "Yes Sir! I am deeply honored to be entrusted with this assignment, Sir!"

The Sergeant was stunned and was then dismissed and was shot through time and space directly to the location of Jonathan's living space in 2003. He appeared as a buck deer as they are plentiful in the pine forests there. However, a black dog who loved to chase deer found out what his horns were for. Soon after being thrown 30 feet the dog limped away followed by his hysterical young teenage mistress. The dog wondered why she was crying hysterically when it was his ribs exposed with flesh hanging and his back that hurt.

However, soon Sergeant Mark III simply changed time and instead of a Buck deer he appeared as a bicyclist who reassured the teenager about her dog. Finally, Sergeant Mark III eliminated the whole scenario except himself as a bicyclist riding past Jonathan's house. The bicycle was really Purple Delta 7. She photographed the house externally and internally in 3d as they rode by together. As they bicycled together toward the Lodge Sergeant Mark III smiled to himself, "My God! What have I gotten myself into?" he thought. Purple Delta 7 replied, "This will look really good on both our records. I finally think I can really do some good politically for my sentient robot kind." With a dazed look on his face the Sergeant thought, "Yeah. Purple. We may be sitting pretty for the rest of our lives after this one is over." The handle bars of the bike slowly formed into a sweet smile. "Can I be sitting pretty with you?" "If they'll let us Purple, Yes!" Purple said, "Good!"

After turning into a beautiful human form of a beautiful well dressed auburn haired periwinkle blue eyed 5 foot 7 inch shapely lady appearing to be about 25 years of age, she checked both the Sergeant and herself into the Lodge near Jonathan's home as Delta Purple, of Victoria, B.C., Canada. The Sergeant appeared to sit down and read a newspaper. However, he was actually doing a security check of the nearest 10 miles of time space. Since this was the first anchor point of their extremely thorough ongoing investigation of at least the last half of the 20th century and the 21st century he had to begin this whole thing corectly.

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