Sunday, November 13, 2022

What do I presently believe regarding the time lines of Earth?

Between 2001 and now I presently believe there are at least 5 major timelines.  Why?

Because I was recruited by Elohar and Ragna from 7028 AD on the first timeline where most people on earth died on September 11th 2001 or soon thereafter from doomsday weapons from primarily Russia, the U.S. and China but remember there are other nations with doomsday weapons that are also chemical or biological in nature too that could literally kill all mammals on earth if their technology was released on a doomsday scenario like we had on the first timeline. This should be considered too.

Also, there are other types of doomsday weapons that are not nuclear or biological or chemical in nature as well that were released on the first timeline on September 11th 2001 also.

So, civilization didn't return to anything like earth now at all and even then it returned in Europe in Switzerland and parts of Italy and France and Germany to where it was in Europe around 1500 by 5000 AD on the first timeline.

Note: There may be other timelines created between the early 1900s from around 1942 to the present too. 

There maybe a space base built by the Nazis during world War II on the moon using German U-Boats and anti-gravity technology given to Hitler by an off world species (which also could be an evolution of the dinosaurs on a timeline where they were not driven extinct 65 million years ago and so the species could be related to the Raptors you see in Jurassic Park Movies as well.

So, the real number of timelines here on earth could literally be any number at present if we go back 65 million years or more.

Another point is that the galaxy doesn't like wars between timelines or between planets and so they try to prevent wars between timelines and planets also by altering timelines towards peaceful outcomes.

In other words they tend to prevent wars by separating civilizations that might go to war by preventing any contact between them by altering time lines in general.

The galaxy has found that in the past whole solar systems could be destroyed if they didn't do this to prevent catastrophic wars like you might see in Star Wars type scenarios from actually occurring.

So, this is something to consider too.

However, the galaxy doesn't usually prevent wars on planets between competing civilizations but does prevent planetary extinction generally speaking. The exception to this was Maldek where our ancestor humanoids came from along with Mars when the dinosaurs that were larger died out or moved into the oceans 65 million years ago. They had a treaty with the galaxy because of religious reasons not to be brought back from annihilation. However, because of that mess Earth will not be allowed ever to do this too. Because blowing up Maldek into the Asteroid Belt unbalanced the Solar system in a major way.

Sometimes I think that our moon is the last big piece of Maldek that the Maldekians moved in proximity to earth to remind them of their planet when the Martians and Maldekian survivors colonized earth after the biggest dinosaurs died or went into the ocean to survive.

So, this means that humans or humanoids have been on earth colonizing this place off and on? for 65 million years at least?

I think so at present.

By God's Grace

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