Sunday, November 13, 2022

I find that by breaking down all information on earth I receive into Hypotheses, Theories and Laws this works the best for me

 I cannot move mankind as fast as I move being an intuitive. However, I can share my theories and laws with you here at this website and others. It's not that I'm right about all my theories or laws that I got from evidence from all the hypotheses I have been exposed to in my life. The point is I have been researching all this all my life and as I get better information I assess this information as it comes up and this develops my theories and laws.

So, to see what I have figured out as a work in progress as a spiritual and humanistic scientist all my life might be the best way to see what I'm sharing here at this site.

As each of us gets better and better information (hopefully) we will begin to ferret out more and more useful information which will enlighten us and lengthen our lives to where our humanoid ancestors were from other planets where we live 5000 to 10,000 years (or as long as we want to or technologically can on into the future.

What is the value of a long life?

You become a fountain of wisdom for mankind if anyone cares to listen.

By God's Grace

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