Sunday, November 13, 2022

What is enlightenment?

It is the ability to see the world as it is and not as a fairy tale without committing suicide when you experience this.

Being enlightened doesn't mean your life is pretty or perfect. It just means you completely understand how everything works. There is a peace in this symmetry somehow where you see your place in the universe and so you aren't confused anymore like many people are along the way.

So, being enlightened does mean that you are master of your own ship and creator of your own destiny.

However, I see it slightly different than that. I see myself as a son of God and you and everyone else as a son or daughter of God and so the gift I can give you is to help you see that you are one with God and in God's family as his children.

I go through life experiencing the entire universe as myself as being one with the entire universe because this I can relate to as being a part of God's mind and heart. And so if I can experience the entire universe and all time and space in my oneness with God as family then I am at peace every moment I am alive or gone somewhere else to be with God.

By God's Grace

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