Saturday, November 12, 2022

What happened during the midterms?

 Most people are moderates and not crazy here in the U.S.

It's true that Crazy always seem to get the headlines but Crazy is not the normal or we all would have been dead long ago.

Moderates are the normal who understand both Republican and Democratic principles of governance in a democracy in a Republic.

So many of our relatives down through the centuries died so we could have what we have now which is the best system of governance in the world. It's not that it's perfect it's just that all other systems are worse basically. Although much good should be said about places like England, France, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden and Norway and other progressive countries because their governments mostly work too. But, most places on earth government doesn't work as well as most of Europe and the U.S. and places like Japan and South Korea do too.

But, the point is that America doesn't do crazy (at least most people in the U.S. don't do crazy).

So, the people that attacked the capitol on January 6th mostly had some version of PTSD from serving in the military (both male and female) and that is what we were dealing with mostly (the aftermath of bad war experiences with military training to boot).

So, Trump is the exception because he is crazy Republican but most Republicans are not crazy like Trump and his followers.

So, what was this election mostly about? It was about people pissed off about Roe V Wade being overturned and people pissed off about our democracy being undermined by candidates and people like Trump.

So, who won?

The American people won by telling our country that they don't want crazy they want democracy and abortions instead so women don't have to die all the time like they did before Roe V. Wade.


Because it is 14 times more dangerous for a woman to carry her fetus to term than to have an abortion which means she is 14 times more likely to die from a pregnancy whether she was raped or not if forced to carry that baby to term.

The other thing people were voting for is a return to democracy and sensibility.

The Republicans have finally heard this too. But, I'm not sure what they will do about it.

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