Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Everything in life is about Timing

 For example, I believed I was going to grow up and marry someone from my church that I met when I was 6 years old. However, I couldn't grow up fast enough to make this happen because she was a year older than I which made her about 4 years ahead of me if you know anything about how boys and girls mature into adulthood. So, that broke my heart at the time but I wasn't ready to get married until I was 25 when my girlfriend got pregnant and we got married and I was BARELY able to pull off getting married even then and even at that we broke up within 4 years of when we first met and I was the single father of a son. However, being a Dad is what I had always wanted not really marriage to begin with. I Always saw marriage as only important if you were going to have children. So, to me, marriage (ONLY) was useful to me to protect my children financially and legally and in all ways.

However, now I have been married three times with one biological child from each marriage. However, I wasn't prepared for my present wife that I met in 1994 and married in 1995 until I met her. I would have run from her if I was any younger than I was when I met her. She was just too stable, too educated with a master's degree in Business which also made her very successful too. This would have just been too threatening to me at any other point in my life. But, in 1994 I was coming out of a really hell divorce and custody battle and I realized my present wife might help me get custody of my daughter then in 1995. My oldest biological daughter was born in 1989 and so would have been 6 years old in 1995.

The point is: You aren't ready for who you really need in your life until you are ready.

So, even the perfect person for me to be married to at 47 I wouldn't have been able to make this marriage work without a whole lot of serious suffering in my first two marriages while raising kids. And when my present wife and I had a daughter it made the whole thing work for both of us which was good too.

The point is: "You don't know what you know until you know it".

Timing is everything in life. Life is NOT ideal and almost no one really is happy in life because we all live in samsara here on earth where things are never perfect.

However, with God's help things can get almost perfect in one's life if they stay close to the angels and God and are Grateful for each good thing that happens in one's life.

Not being close to angels and God and being Grateful just seriously shortens one's life.

So, cultivating angels and God and Gratitude is surely the Motor of Life

Hope Springs Eternal if we Die (To God) daily!

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