Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Here it is still foggy and 67 degrees Fahrenheit as of 1 pm Tuesday

However, I had to drive inland to a pharmacy to get some medicines and it was starting to be sunny there. But, it was very strange to look nearby about 2 miles towards the beach and you could see the fog and clouds. In the sun there it was around 75 or 80 degrees so I had to take off my levi Jacket with sheep fur lining because it was too hot at 75 or 80 degrees. Eventually I had to take off my pendleton wool shirt too that I had on because of the cold weather of the Coastal Marine layer stretching from Crescent City to Ensenada Mexico and beyond these days. I'm very grateful to be where it is cool enough not to need air conditioning because most people where I live don't have air conditioning because they never really need it year around just a good heating system that you mostly need in Winter and our 2nd winter during the summers here on the Northern California coast.

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