Tuesday, July 9, 2024

I met a young lady from Turkey at the beach today

 I was feeling good enough after being ill for the past month or so since my wife and I visited our daughter in Texas to actually take the dog out on the beach here where I live. It takes a lot of energy to go barefoot and to walk through sand comfortable barefoot like I like to do with our blue Merle Corgi dog. I like to wade along the ocean (hopefully without getting my pants wet) from the surf. Today I was fairly successful at this and stayed in water less than 6 inches deep as I walked along the beach. I saw a young lady about college age with an Australian Shepard which was a really nice dog. The dog knew immediately I was a dog person and let me pet her and felt right at home with me so I told her this is a really nice dog she has. It was brown and yellow and white like some Australian Shepards are. I told her I used to have an Australian Shepard and long haired German Shepard mix who was a really amazing dog whose name was Furby (I didn'tname him that but the previous owner did) so the names stuck likely because he must have been a beautiful little furball when he was a puppy and he still was really beautiful when I got him at about 17 months of age.

The lady from Turkey I asked where she was from and I guess she was sensitive about this and spoke about how people from Turkey get menial jobs in Europe and here in the U.S. I just said to her that my daughter when to the university in Berlin before she moved to Texas and got a job there and that she had had friends from Turkey at the university in Berlin which seemed to calm her down some.

The Turkish Accent is very unusual sort of like Swedish or Norwegian to my ears. It is a very unique accent when you hear someone speaking English from Turkey.

But, it was nice to speak with someone so young and alive and who liked dogs too today after being sick so long. I'm really grateful to still be alive after the last month of being sick off and on so long.

By God's Grace

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