Tuesday, July 9, 2024

I'm still clarifying how one is supposed to refer to images and how to transfer them to my blog from meta.ai

I was trying to understand after logging onto meta.ai how to handle all this to meta.ai's satisfaction legally as you can see here how the dialog went.
How do I save these images so they don't disappear?
Meta AI
To save the images, you can right-click on the image and select "Save As" or "Download Image" (the exact text may vary depending on your device and browser). This will allow you to save the image to your device or computer.
Am I allowed to take pictures like these and post them on my blog?
Meta AI
The images I generate are intended for personal, non-commercial use. If you want to use them on your blog, you can, but please keep in mind the following:
  • Make sure to mention that the image was generated by me, Meta AI.
  • Don't use the images for commercial purposes, such as selling them or using them in advertising.
  • Don't claim the images as your own creation.
If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to ask!
Yes. I tried to do this before but eventually they disappeared because I didn't fully understand all this. However, my blog is not for profit and for personal use only. So, you say that I shouldn't claim I created them. I am simply then asking Meta.ai to create things for me. I'm not sure how to refer to this at my blog.
Meta AI
That's completely fine! You can simply state that the images were "Generated by Meta AI" or "Created with the help of Meta AI" or even "Image courtesy of Meta AI". This way, you're giving proper credit and acknowledging the source of the images.
You can also use a sentence like: "This image was generated by Meta AI, an AI assistant, at my request" or "Meta AI helped me create this image". This makes it clear that you didn't create the image yourself, but rather had assistance from an AI tool.
Remember, the goal is to be transparent and give credit where credit is due. By doing so, you're respecting the terms of use and allowing others to know about the cool AI tools that are available!


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