Tuesday, July 9, 2024

I was told to say at my blog that either the images were "Generated by Meta ai or Created with the help of Meta AI or even image courtesy of Meta AI

  the images were "Generated by Meta AI" or "Created with the help of Meta AI" or even "Image courtesy of Meta AI".

However, now I know how to say what I'm doing to the satisfaction of meta.ai. However, I still haven't figured out how to bring these jpg files into my blog and for it to work. My Housekeeper who is really good with this kind of thing was telling me he shoots them to text to reduce the file size because it's likely a 2 million pixel size and i don't think my blog will take anything over 500,000 pixels or something like that. So, I can save images to my desktop so I don't lose them but I can't (so far) get them onto my blog for you to see. So, still a work in progress.

So, the point being (if you figure out how to move meta.ai art to your blog) you still have to give credit to meta.ai for generating it in order to be legal in what you are doing. 

My experience so far is that I can bring the art that Meta.ai does for me onto my desktop. However, when I try to move it to this blog it won't let me. The likely one of many potential reasons I believe is that the pixel files on the jpg's are too large for this blog to accept. So, I'm thinking that the pixel level might be 2 million and my blog only accepts maybe 500,000 pixels per photo. So, likely it's the size of the Jpg files.

My housekeeper says if he moves files this large to his phone as text that the phone automatically reduces the files in size for him. However, I'm not sure how to move a jpg file to my phone from my laptop yet because I don't have my laptops tied to my phone for security reasons since a smartphone is the least secure online thing that you can own, especially IPhone and Android.


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