Tuesday, July 16, 2024

From my present point of view:

I see the attackers who attacked the white house on January 6th as White Christian Nationalist Terrorists who should be in jail if they broke into the Capitol Building or killed or harmed police officers inside or outside of the building there.

I'm left with this feeling of hopelessness to stop an actual Civil War beginning in and around Washington DC or places like North Carolina or Texas or places like this in the South.

There is a saying: "The South will Rise Again!" which is a battle cry after the last Civil war ended with the Assassination of President Lincoln. It's strange to me that he was a Republican too like Trump.

However, some time in the 1920s the Democrats started to switch from being super conservatives to a more liberal stance especially with Franklin Delano Roosevelt during the Great Depression and World War II. FDR started Social Security so old people didn't have to die so much pennyless and suffering too during the Great Depression.

And the Republicans who were more Free Thinking and Liberal thinking during the Time of Lincoln replaced the Blue Dog super rightist Democrats of another era to become extremely conservative still in these times.

The shooter of Trump likely was a Reagan Republican 20 year old and was offended by Someone like Trump Destroying his Reagan type of stance and who was offended by what Trump has done to the Republican party since 2016. There are many many Republicans by the way who are EXTREMELY offended by what Trump has done to the Republican Party by the way. I think this is an extreme problem for Trump because this type of person is the most likely to try to assassinate Trump again and again during the next few months time.

A Trump Assassination would be sure to put the U.S. on a course to Actual Civil war by the way so actually doing this could destroy all democracies on earth because China and Russia would capitalize on this and start to bring down democracies worldwide if this happened.

So, keeping Trump alive might actually prevent the collapse of ALL democracies on earth because his assassination would make him a martyr to the White Christian Nationalists Worldwide now in every country on earth.

Many of the Trump Cult already see him as comparable to Jesus for whatever the reason so this could just set the world off like a bomb if he died in an Assassination attempt.

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