Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Upset Reagan Republicans are the most likely to try to Assassinate Trump now

They are horrified what Trump has done to their historical Republican party which was the party of Abraham Lincoln. So, to a Reagan Republican Trump is the worst thing to happen on earth since Hitler and Stalin and Mao Tse Tung. So, they would want to eliminate him as soon as possible anyway that they could because they see him as a long term threat to the survival of our Democracy in a Republic.

The reason I understand this so well is that I was raised as a Libertarian Conservative Republican myself and continued this stance until I was in college and started to understand other points of view in addition to this very Christian and Religious point of view of Libertarian Conservatism. I began to see in college how only if you are rich does it make sense to be a Republican. For everyone else being a Republican is sort of like cutting your own throat and the throats of your wife and kids. So, for non-rich people it is basically suicidal to be a Republican if you really study about how all this works at a college level.

As a result of this in college I became much more Liberal in my thinking in order to keep the poorer downtrodden people alive and not dead. 

However, as time went on I became what I would call a moderate who understands the problems of both conservatism and Liberal thinking.

The problem with Conservatism is you are not considering the rights of anyone unless they are rich like you.

The problem with Liberal thinking is often it is so impractical that I have to almost laugh in some situations.

So, for me, a moderate point of view that keeps the most people alive and healthy both Rich and poor is the best way forward.

You cannot save everyone whether they are rich or poor or in between but with a moderate point of view that considers ALL options both Conservative and Liberal one can navigate a practical survivable way forward for all of mankind.

You CANNOT save everyone physically or mentally but you can help many both rich and poor survive on into the future successfully.

All of our hearts break for all the people we have lost rich and poor because of various different health problems and mental problems and through accidents during our lives. However, being practical and compassionate is always the best way to keep those alive that you might be able to keep alive and to save along the way.

By God's Grace

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