Wednesday, July 3, 2024

God's Grace Creates naturally many timelines

 I'm always meeting people who believe in Fate where everything in their life is planned out (By God). But, that is not my agreement or covenant with God. My covenant with God is infinite Grace.

For example, I should have died (Fate?) of whooping cough at age 2 and then God sent his angels to save my young life and I saw these Angels and their countenance has been burned upon my memories even now 74 years later.

Then I fell from a cliff and banged the back of my head in Chilao park in the Angeles National Forest above los Angeles at about 6000 feet And then I had night time seizures where I believe God was trying to kill me from age 10 to age 15.

Finally in desperation I begged God to come live in my body with me so I wouldn't die from one of these concussion caused Seizures. He did so and my life has been completely one of Infinite Grace ever since.

Then in the 1970s Saint Germain told me that I might literally never die for around 10,000 years or more.

He asked what I thought of this: My response to him at that time was: "I'll Believe it when I see it!"

HE said: "If you had said any other thing you would not be my student."

So, I guess he wanted a student fully capable of embracing the Infinite God in every way.

Because in order to believe you might never physically die you really have to embrace God in a very special way.

Angels seem to reinforce this thinking too. For example, I have believed I was dying many many times in my life and then I ask the angels and then they say something like: "NO! You are not dying! This is only temporary."

So, as a result of God living in my body since I was 15 I also have to embrace the possibility that I might never die.

The angels keep saying to me: "You ARE the future of the human Race!"

And I wonder what they mean?

I can easily accept that my ideas are the future of the human race that God has installed in me all these years and that I write about. That's Easy!

However, saying that I personally am the future of the human race I really don't know what to do with that one.

So, what do the angels mean really?

I guess over time they will just show me.

By God's Grace

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