Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Religions are a way of imprisoning people's thoughts and actions to control them to make them slaves

 For example, if you study Comparative Religion and combine it with European History, religion was used to enslave EVERYONE wherever possible including Royal Families of the Kings and Queens who ruled Europe down through the centuries. It started as an Enslavement technique during the time of Charlemagne and continued on down through the centuries to the present day in one form or another.

We are very lucky here in the Western world to be allowed freedom of Thought and freedom of movement because much of the world is still enslaved by religions enslaving them in thought and deed and actions worldwide for thousands of years already.

However, there is the dociling effect of Religions also that prevents more murder and rape and mayhem for people who believe in these religions. So, at least they aren't killing so much people in their same religion. However, this doesn't stop the rape of girls and women and boys around the world by zealots in every religion on earth either. And these religions are used to cover up these attrocities worldwide too.

So, "It's a long way to Tipparary" in the search for freedom of thought and freedom of speech and Freedom of Actions worldwide too among the people of earth.

Most people are still slaves to their respective religions and so have no chance to develop freedom of thought and freedom of actions.

I was just very lucky that my father was a Libertarian like the Early American Patriots so I was always taught to think for myself and to never be a slave to anything or anyone, including religion.

By God's Grace

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