Friday, July 12, 2024

Growing up Intuitive

On the one hand you are more likely to survive physically than other children because often you know what is coming before they do and can survive because of what you already know ahead of time. on the other hand though you might have experiences like I did where I would walk by someone and nearly faint because I sensed that they were going to die that day or very soon. However, most people who were going to die had no idea that they were dying soon that day or within a few days so I considered this to be merciful at least for them. But, I might after walking by them collapse temporarily to recover on the lawn after walking by them realizing they were dying soon.

So, obviously growing up very intuitive is both very good and also very bad in some ways learning to live with death all around you growing up.

And in the 1950s people were dying a lot more than now mostly out of ignorance more than anything else and a lack of health care insurance and a lack of well trained physicians and nurses at that time too.

So, people died all over the place in the 1950s, especially children a lot. also, there were no seat belt laws until around 1987 so young people in an accident might be in trees or scattered all over highways when they were teenagers and raced. People flew for hundreds of feet while stopping suddenly in 60 to 100 mile per hour crashes. But, usually it was quick and they were dead so in this sense these deaths were sort of merciful and quick too.

The point being that often I could see that what people were doing would soon lead to their deaths. So, if I couldn't convince them to do something else all I could do was to walk away from them. 

In this sense it is always very hard to be an Intuitive because you are more sensitive than other people often about what you are experiencing so it's easier to go into a state of overwhelm regarding getting more information that can save your own life but also often save others if they listen to you.

So, the hardest thing for me regarding being an intuitive is watching people die or get maimed because they just won't listen to what I have to say about what they need to do to actually stay alive and not get maimed along the way.

by God's Grace

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