Friday, July 12, 2024

I bought my Blue Dragon Tibetan Carpet which is a Blue Dragon on a red background in 1986

In Dharamshala I had gone with my family along with Geshe Lobsang Gyatso who was a Gelukpa Lineage Geshe which is sort of like a Doctor of Divinity in the Gelukpa Tradition which is the lineage of the Dalai Lama who lives in Dharamshala. IN 1986 he lived there with around 10,000 Tibetan Refugees many of which left Lhasa with him when he left for India to stay alive from the Chinese who were trying to kill him and all Tibetan Lamas at that point in 1959. The Dalai Lama was born in 1935. So, I guess when he left in order to stay alive he would have been 24 years old. Geshe Lobsang Gyatso went with him when he left Lhasa for India and Dharamshala. The Indian Government gave the Dalai Lama Dharamshala to create a Tibetan Government in Exile which I believe still exists today there in Himachal Pradesh State in India.

While I was in Dharamshala in January of 1986 with my then wife and three children I found out that they were making Yak wool Tibetan Carpets and if I bought one there it was only 80 dollars to buy one whereas the same thing in the U.S. ran from 600 to 800 dollars then. So, I went to where they made these carpets. I saw the Blue dragon one which I liked a lot because of my experience in my vision quest in 1983 of becoming a Golden Dragon whose dragon fire breath enlightened everyone. So, understanding that I have the soul of a Compassionate Dragon came a lot from that. However, I believe I wrote about Arcane and the Dragons of compassion even before this in 1980 as well. So, all this is very deep to think about too on many different levels.

As I traveled after that across India and Nepal with my family until April of 1986 I carried my Dragon Carpet rolled up along with me. And often if I wasn't sure of the safety or cleaniless of a hotel room I would just roll out my dragon carpet onto the bed or cot and put my North Face Sleeping bag on top of hte dragon carpet and go to sleep. I felt safe and secure with my dragon carpet underneath me somehow. It has always been a Dharma Talisman for me.

Lately I took it out of the closet where it has lived for awhile and put it up on the hearth of our fireplace but recently because I was very sick around the 4th of July I eventually unrolled it next to my bed as a protecting Talisman to help me once again. I experience the Blue Dragon often protecting me especially at night as I go to sleep from harm. Also, I see the connection of our Blue Merle Corgi somehow to this Blue Protecting Dragon.  There is what is called a Maha Kala Protector who is often a dog who is the protecting element here on earth. Mahakala is the Bear Tent Protector which I believe comes culturally from North of Tibet into Mongolia where people often lived in Yurts which are a tent with an internal structure often made of wood. So, the Mahakala Bear Protector of Yurts kind of makes sense in a Anthropological sense given all this.

As I traveled in India and Nepal especially around Sherpas who are also Tibetan Buddhist in the Himalayas you would see these carpets as a part of their spiritual lives and physical lives. I was always taken with Tibetan Buddhism especially when I met the practitioners who were all very sincere people. 

It was one of the first times I realized how compassion (whether one believes in God or not) is so very very powerful on many different levels in helping mankind and civilization continue to exist ongoing.

You have to respect people who could survive from 8000 to 15,000 feet in elevation for thousands of years and who kept records of Beings like Jesus when all other records were destroyed in various wars and massacres back then.

According to these ancient records sent to King Trisong Detsun of Tibet early on, Jesus actually came to India with his family and became a guru there. He had several children in India with his wife Mary Magdelene and so likely there could be literally millions of Jesus' descendents living in India and throughout the world now.

In India he was called "Saint Issa" which is very close to his Aramaic name which was Yesu or Yeshua in the Aramaic Language he grew up speaking in the Middle East at that time.

By God's Grace

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