Wednesday, July 10, 2024

I did some more research on the Black Plague in general

Basically it's a bacterial infection caused by Fleas and Rats but also many Squirrels carry it too. So, if you are bitten by a squirrel this is one of the problems for people. So, hand feeding squirrels theoretically at least can give you black plaque if a squirrel bites you. So, not touching squirrels while you are feeding them and not hand feeding them might be good if you want to avoid black plague around the world this summer too. But, basically it's a bacterial infection that can kill people like the millions who died of it in the middle Ages throughout Europe. Also, some of the same animals carry things like rabies too. 

A friend of ours was bitten by a dog (a pack of wild dogs) in India and had to undergo shots into her abdomen to prevent rabies. This is a much bigger problem in countries that don't have the infrastructure to catch or shoot wild dogs. Wild Dogs and Bears are similar except Bears are more solitary creatures.

I have seen packs of wild dogs in India myself and they are an equal problem to monkey families there. I usually was not afraid of a single monkey but families there are sort of like families of raccoons that will bite people especially if they have pets that the pack wants to eat at night. However, monkeys can be a problem anywhere in families. I always walked away from packs of monkeys because they are so excitable and also can carry rabies when I was in India. In Temples in India guards carry 6 foot long bamboo sticks to hit monkeys with to keep them away from tourists and worshipers every day all the time there.

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