Wednesday, July 10, 2024

I had to completely reinvent myself between the ages of 18 and 25. Why?

Because I recognized that the only solution otherwise was to commit suicide. So, once I had discovered the Science of Psychology I went on a path to create a New Fred that could survive the world as it really was (not the theoretical one my parents wanted me to live in).

I realized there was no way at all for me to succeed and survive in life using what my parents had taught me. 

They meant well but the person they created in me had only suicide as a future trying to be what they wanted for me. In other words if I was who my parents wanted me to be I would have chosen to be dead and nearly did between the ages of 21 and 25. However, I learned by watching others who committed suicide and how it creating cascades of suicides in families that often killed 10s or more people because of one stupid person killing themselves.

So, I decided not to do that to my parents and relatives and friends and decided to "Soldier on" to protect my family much the way a soldier would who sacrifices his life for others. Only in my case staying alive was my sacrifice for others instead of dying.

So, studying psychology allowed me to see what the source of all my problems were and so I reinvented myself in God's image the way God showed me instead of people.

I chose a path of compassion and a path of enlightenment and freedom. And since Saint Germain has always been one of my teachers along with Jesus and because Saint Germain is often referred to as the "God of Freedom" and since I sometimes think of Fred as meaning Free or Freedom this worked for me.

What is Freedom?

Freedom realistically speaking is about Responsibility. Freedom doesn't exist without self discipline and responsibility. So, I found my path as a Householder Yogi and a person who started businesses to support my family ongoing.

Yoga means "to yoke" like putting a horse or bull pulling a carriage. So, in support of my children and family I hitched myself to businesses to support them. And this gave me meaning to my life and was my path to enlightenment always.

By God's Grace

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