Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Samsara: Meaning

Though what is says below is true it is also about how things are not perfect in the physical world either. So, suffering is inevitable at certain points during your life. For example, you love someone and then they die. You love some one and they are married to someone else so you are alone your whole life because they are the ONLY one for you. You suffer mentally and physically about all sorts of things whether you should or not.

What Cures all this so you can go on living?

Compassion for yourself and all others heals the wounds of Samsara and helping people gives you purpose and meaning in life. Otherwise, Life is ONLY suffering and then if that is true why live at all?

So, in being kind to yourself and all other beings one attains pure enlightenment and helps everyone by this kindness of becoming like a King or Queen of Kindness to all beings in the universe.

Begin quote:

noun. Hinduism the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. Buddhism the transmigration or rebirth of a person.

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