Saturday, July 20, 2024

I was 15 and a sophomore in High School when Kennedy was assassinated in Texas

At first we thought it was the president of Mexico that was assassinated because "Well" you know how rumors fly in strange times.

Then after gym class I went to my English Class with Mrs. Barr and the girls were all huddled in corners of my English Class were crying. The boys didn't look very happy either and looked scared but were not crying and some of them looked angry in addition to looking afraid.

Our English Teacher Mrs. Barr tried to console everyone somehow but I don't  think that really worked. 

It's important to understand that we believed that day that Russia had killed Kennedy for what happened in Cuba with the Nuclear missiles there. I still believe this is true today.

However, one of the funnier things looking back was that I felt I didn't want to die a virgin so I asked the blonde blue eyed girl in my row out on a date because I felt really insecure that if Kennedy could be assassinated that I could be assassinated too then. But, then again I was 15 what did I really know?

Dating Gayle was a nice experience and she went to movies with me and ice skating with me too. However, I was pretty young. Then I dated at age 16 a girl 21 years old from our church a few months later. Looking back I wonder why my parents let me date a 21 year old girl in the first place. But, I guess they wanted me to marry someone from our church more than anything else. This is likely what is was.

But, dating someone so much older made High school seem completely ridiculous and made me grow up way to fast in a variety of ways to where I wanted to drop out of high School early in my Senior Year because of this.

However, my parents convinced me to go to a private church school in Santa Fe, New Mexico rather than drop out of school in my senior year. This also helped me head towards college instead of just going to work full time at 17 someplace. So, this was a really good thing going away to a private school in Santa Fe, New mexico where I could live in the snow for the first time since Seattle. And I hadn't lived in SEattle since I was 4 years old. So, it all worked out in the end somehow.

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