Saturday, July 20, 2024

It's been nice to have friends visiting this week

 They tend to come and stay with us while they are playing music for a religious conference this time of year for a week every year. We often travel with them to Kauai and Maui so this last fall we traveled with them to Kauai in October but we went to Maui with another couple instead because our other friends were still in Nepal and India when we went to Maui in April this year.

Then I went up and visited them in late June but got sick eating at a restaurant in town. Then friends from Texas visited our house in Santa Barbara and they got covid from a restaurant in Santa Barbara about 3 weeks ago and they are still recovering there. They had planned to vacation next in lake Tahoe but couldn't because they got sick with Covid.

Now President Biden has Covid too which I hope doesn't kill him because of his age.

What a crazy time to live here on earth in so many different ways!

I think right now reminds me the most of 9-11 and the Kennedy Assassination more than anything else. 

Both times were as strange and as dangerous for everyone on earth as this time now is.

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