Thursday, July 18, 2024

My first Tibetan Buddhist "phenomena" was at my first Tibetan Buddhist Initiation above where the Green Leaf Restaurant is now

Since then I have eaten at the Green Leaf Restaurant many times with my family and friends and my best friends son used to be a cook there and now is a CPA.

begin quote:

Greenleaf Restaurant - Ashland

We will be closed Thursday, July 4th in honor of Independence Day · Open Monday 9AM-2PM · Tuesday thru Sunday 9AM-8PM · Serving PNW breakfast, lunch & dinner with ...



End Quotes.

The point of all this is the first real Tibetan Buddhist phenomena I ever experienced.

What is phenomena?

I think the best way to explain phenomena is that things happen that couldn't happen in normal reality (at least from a White WASP American perspective).

So, if you are a materialist that doesn't believe in miracles this likely isn't going to work for you unless you have a psychotic break when it happens to you.

However, remember I am someone whose whole Life has been Miracles and Grace since the Angels first rescued me from Whooping cough at age 2. I am ONLY ALIVE BECAUSE OF GOD's Grace every step of my life and I have no trouble witnessing this to you at ALL!

But, I don't want you to have a psychotic break when I share what I share with you either. Part of Tibetan Buddhism is not scaring people to death with the truth by the way.

First the Tibetan Lamas teach you compassion for all sentient life in the Universe. In fact, the Lama who intiated me into "The Sword which pierces All Defilement" or also known as the "1000 Buddhas Empowerment" was found ministering to Starfish in the ocean when he first came to the U.S. and people didn't understand what he was doing. So, he was taken to a police station where they were told by those who know that this is a pretty normal thing for a Tibetan Lama to do for All sentient life in the Universe!

So, a Tulku (or Reincarnation or Living Buddha) is a totally supernatural being much more evolved than most people from this perspective too).

Because I realized these people understood who and what I was (likely a tulku too) they always accepted me and helped me a lot because I have always been extremely gifted too in ways that Tulkus tend to be.

I believe I engineered my birth in the U.S. by knowing I would die by an Atomic blast in Nagasaki which would cause me to be born in the U.S. in Seattle Washington. I likely engineered this in my lifetime as a Guru and Tibetan Buddhist from when I was born in the 1840s and lived until around 1930 in India, Nepal and likely Tibet.

So, I foresaw (because I was precognitive then) that the human Race would need me to help them survive the century we are in now and beyond this.

By God's Grace

PS So after I was nuked as a 12 year old in Nagasaki Japan I was reborn in Seattle Washington 3 years later to parents who helped me grow into who I am now.

By God's Grace

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