Thursday, July 18, 2024

What Changed during my first Tibetan Buddhist empowerment around 1980 in Ashland, Oregon?

I began to start experiencing the "Phenomena" that people often talk about in regard to Tibetan Lamas.

One story that is reported to be true that I no longer doubt is this one:

There was a Tibetan Lama likely in Kham Tibet who was overrun by Chinese Soldiers when they first invaded Tibet from China around 1950 I believe. HE was a very advanced and elderly Tibetan Lama who considered all life to be sacred including his own. There is something called a Kata cloth which is used by Tibetans to give blessings from one master to students usually. It is a white cloth or sometimes gauze or silk cloth that looks a little like a wool muffler people wear around their necks in the U.S. during Snow storms for example, except it is made from usually white silk. The Lama wore his kata cloth round his neck. The soldiers taught to hate Tibetan Lamas laughed at the Tibetan Lama and took his kata cloth and shoved it down his throat until he died. Before he died he with his mind turned a Cup like you would have tea in inside out before their eyes to denote to the soldiers that He could have easily killed them both but decided to die instead. This is a true story of what I mean by Phenomena. In other words the Tibetan Lama was capable of killing both soldiers with his mind but chose not to because of their ignorance. So, he saw them as ignorant children and didn't want the karma of killing them even in self defense.

To a western mind all this is baffling at best. But, to someone like me it makes perfect sense to me because these are the kinds of experiences I started to have aroung Tibetan Lamas first in the U.S. and then in India and Nepal also. So, after 4 months with my family in India and Nepal It was sort of like living on another planet because so many experiences like this had happened to me that I no longer lived in the WASP American White perspective anymore.

However, like I said my life began really at two when the Angels came and saved my young life from whooping cough and basically it's been like this the last 74 years since then for me too.

So, accepting divine intervention at all times 24 hours a day is just a part of the Grace of God of my life ongoing now for at the very least 74 years since I was 2 years old and being rescued by angels that I still remember seeing and feeling in person. The whole room feels like a heaven realm when the visit by the way.

By God's Grace

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