Thursday, July 18, 2024

Turning the "Wheel of Time"?

 What does this mean?

Another way this is said is "Turning the Dharma Wheel" which also denotes preparing one for service to life in helping create better outcomes for people and all sentient beings than might have happened before.

It means to me now that I have experienced it many times during my life that literally ALL time and space around you is altered in a significant way? What does this mean?

It means that High Lamas sometimes when they see you are necessary to the survival of mankind like they saw me then and now that they literally change your karma and timeline for the benefit of all beings.

When this happens time and space alters in significant ways. You could be drowning at sea one day and a ship might come and rescue you just before you died. You could be dying of one thing or another and someone comes up with a medicine that saves your life. You could be dying of almost anything and a healer or doctor suddenly shows up before you die.

This is the story of my life as feeling a little like Lazarus in the Bible over and over and over again.

This has ALWAYS been my life story since I was 2 years old.

However, you have to believe in miracles to live this way.

If you can't you are soon dead.

So, you have to be open to Angels and God and higher evolved beings saving your life for the good of life on earth ongoing.

By God's Grace

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