Tuesday, July 9, 2024

the most dangerous thing I see for mankind to survive this century likely is the winds of 300 to 500 miles per hour

When I look forward in time this is the biggest thing human beings are NOT prepared to face. Why?

Because when you have winds periodically of 300 to 500 miles per hour wherever you are on earth nothing can grow. Your crops (if they aren't in specially constructed greenhouses or underground completely are going to literally blow away. People out in 300 to 500 mile per hour winds even if they are tied to something with ropes will be impaled by blades of grass or hay or signs or limbs or whatever is loose and blowing in these winds. So, it really doesn't matter whether it takes the form of tornadoes, or hurricanes or just heavy winds any time of the year it is all still fatal for not only people but all plants and trees that are growing all over the earth too. 

Then when all the plants and trees are blown away the topsoil begins to sand blast everything so you cannot see out of windows even if they aren't blown out by the winds. So, then everyone will have to have wooden or metal shutters outside their windows or you won't be able to see out of those windows.

Also, at 300 to 500 miles per hour roofs leave, trees fall down and all your plants and roses and everything is gone, your house gets sandblasted by whatever soil is left and little rocks. Your windows on your cars are all incapable to see out of because of this sand blasting if you don't put your cars and trucks in garages to protect the windows and air cleaners so your cars and trucks can run at all. Because dust in your engine is just eventually going to make the engine seize up through your air filters into the engine or if it gets into your engine oil too. It's all going to make engines seize up so they won't work anymore.

This as a precognitive intuitive is what people are the least prepared for:

1. Food blowing away so there isn't any.

2. Windows being fogged up permanently from sand and rocks and other things blowing.

3. Roofs blowing off literally every wooden structure in some areas.

4. High Rise buildings with all Windows Blown out of them.

 One way to survive this is to move underground like a prairie dog or other animal that survives by going underground.

Or I suppose you could have a home that can retract into the ground when necessary by putting it on hydraulic lifts up and down depending upon what is happening that time of year with the winds.

The point is:

Another problem if you notice is fish are starting to die in Lakes in California because when the water gets too hot there is no oxygen for fish to breathe anymore. This likely is beginning to happen in oceans too around the world (at least above 50 feet deep) in the oceans.

So, the most likely fish to survive all this will be very deep (below 50 feet deep in oceans and lakes around the world. So, surface fish likely will be the first to die worldwide of no oxygen because of warming waters worldwide.

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