Friday, July 19, 2024

Today it was pretty foggy

 Friends who have been playing music for a Conference that they usually do around once a year have been staying with us. They are from Mt. Shasta so used to much warmer weather than we have here. I noticed my friend wearing a down jacket and a wool hat when he returned tonight late closer to midnight because it was foggy and likely around 56 degrees with a 14 mile per hour wind which can be pretty cold here along the ocean especially at night. 

It brings to mind Mark Twain's famous statement "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco" so it was like this in the 1800s too here on the coast near San Francisco.

So, after I walked the dog on the beach my wife wanted to go to a favorite restaurant of hers but it was too busy. However, she was hungry and known for getting "Hangry" when she is hungry. So, finally I wanted to see the sun so we agreed to go to the nearest In and Out Burger which was in the sun right now. So, it was nice for at least once today for 45 minutes I could actually see the sun for a change.

On our way home the fog was so thick that we could barely see the road. However, we are used to this living on the ocean but some drivers really freak out when they cannot see the road very well. But, that's not us.

For example, inland it is going to be 105 in San Ardo tomorrow Friday but right now about midnight it is at 58 degrees only 2 degrees warmer than along the ocean at midnight. That's a 47 degree temperature change in one day! That's a big change in temperatures!

The high in Palm Springs tomorrow 115 degrees Fahrenheit the low tonight 90 which is much different than closer to the coast.

The low in Death Valley tonight will be 93 degrees with 120 degrees tomorrow Friday and 122 the next day.

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