Thursday, July 11, 2024

Understanding fully what is happening legally when you generate Art from most AIs

First of all, All these AI companies are investing millions and in some case billions of dollars in AI and the whole group of these companies are in competition for the future of AI. On top of this China has the most pending patents regarding AI so they likely are going to be the biggest problem on earth in how they use their AI to disrupt civilizations that are not theirs from the U.S. to Europe to Russia. This is realistic to look at it this way.

so, when you ask an AI to create Artworks for you because you aren't investing (usually) any money at all in this (beyond your computer or other smartphone or other device) you have no legal rights basically to this artwork in any way unless the AI company says you do. And even then you aren't supposed to make any money or use this in any advertisements without maybe going to court with these companies or at the very least putting yourself in legal jeapordy. 

So, the whole point is yes you can generate amazing art by what you ask an AI to do and right now made by Facebook is one of the best for art right now. However, it's important to realize your legal position in all of this that you DO NOT own these artworks does so unless you say that generated this art at your website then you are in violation of the perceieved agreement you have with that AI company.

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