Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Well over 400,000 people visited intuitivefred888 in the last 2 months time

 Even though I have been blogging at this site since 2007 this is very remarkable to me. I think it was around 420,000 people or more that visited this site during the last 2 months time.

Thank you for visiting my site from all over the U.S. and around the world. It gives me hope when I see so many people visiting this site. It gives me hope for our world to survive what we are going through now which is a revolution of sorts.

I consider the main cause of this revolution to be Global Climate changes and not really anything else. It is caused by what our ancestors have done through Slash and burn techniques regarding farming and forest fires and burning fossil fuels the last 25,000 years or so here on earth.

We in the present cannot take the blame for all of it but it has been slowly building up to this what we are experiencing now.

IF I look at what is happening to mankind it is presently a form of suicide for most people the way humans are living. and because of the decisions the mass of people are making I fully expect about 7/8 of mankind's population levels to be gone by 2100 AD. And I am a lifelong Precognitive intuitive.

I don't like being right about this but on a purely pragmatic level those who don't prepare in some way for the inevitable won't be the ones who survive all this. So, training your children how to potentially survive all this might be the ONLY way they are going to be the ones who survive to 2100 AD in the first place.

By God's Grace

Thanks again for visiting my site and helping your children to survive all this this century.

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