Thursday, July 11, 2024

What actually happened on September 11th 2001 on the first timeline:

Basically 5 billion people died fairly immediately and then it got worse for those who remained alive. Because crops could not be grown and often fish were radioactive as well as deer and anything else people had to eat. This left mostly canned goods which only last a few years too. So, within 5 years time there mostly weren't many human beings still normal and civilized left anywhere. The most civilized remaining were in places like Tibet, Bhutan, Switzerland and the Alpin nations like Italy and Austria and France. However, there was no technology or books that hadn't burned up in Tibet from nukes so the only books (because all magnetic media melted or was hit with horrendous EMPs (Electromagnetic pulses from Nukes) which killed all magnetic media and fried all AC generators except for maybe some solar and wind units. But, if you were below 3500 feet anywhere on earth you were extremely radiated to where if you lived you were mentally not really human anymore and were not rational beyond the ways Wolves might be considered rational as they move in wild packs never having been domesticated.

This actually happened starting on September 11th 2001 on our world's first timeline.

It wasn't until Elohar and Ragna were given permission by the Galactic Government to try to create a 2nd timeline from 7028 on the first timeline that a 2nd timeline like we live on was created by them and the Galaxy with the help of anyone who could help from everywhere in the Galaxy including here on earth from various timelines.

So, they redid September 11th 2001 to create one where Osama Bin Laden hadn't created a cascade that basically ended civilization for around 4 thousand years time here on earth.

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