Monday, July 1, 2024

What Adam Kinzinger said on CNN today really blew my mind because he is right!

 What he said was something like: "With the ruling today it might make Joe Biden send Seal Team 6 to assassinate Trump and his rivals because the ruling today from the Supreme Court would give Biden immunity from Prosecution!"

and guess what folks: "He's Right!"

If you were Biden and didn't want your family to die or be tortured to death by Trump you would also have Trump Assassinated too as well as many of his Accomplices while you were still in office.

This is the insanity that the Supreme Court just did to America today!

To think otherwise is to be pretty stupid!

So, if Trump is gone before the election Biden will NEVER be prosecuted for executing his rival with Seal Team 6.

Besides, Biden is 81 years old. What if even he died protecting his family. He's already lived a good life!

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