Monday, July 1, 2024


If you are a writer like me whether professionally or as a hobby like I do you might appreciate this:

I was watching a movie with Nicole Kidman made for netflix called I believe "A family Affair" or something like this and she is playing the part of a famous and succesful writer and someone asks her this question:

"Why do you Write?"

And I loved the answer which is something like: "I write because I want to know what I think and feel about everything."

If you are a writer you will likely understand this statement.

when I look back at my childhood there were a lot of very boring times. Things happened like the death of my oldest cousin when he turned 16 and got his driver's license in a Car Crash where he broke his neck and died where I felt very vulnerable and needed someone to console me then but no one was there. People in my family didn't think I needed to grieve because I didn't know this cousin very well. However, he was still my cousin, my blood, and it was personal to me and no one seemed to understand how this affected me. All my other cousins were very important to me that I knew better than this one because I spent more time with them. I was 8 years old and my cousin who was 16 just died? WTF! Does this mean I can die too anytime out of the blue? Of course the answer is: "YES" As an adult I can face this.

But, as an 8 year old I had no safe way to face any of this.

So, I began writing and doodling on spiral notebooks with a pen or pencil or colored pencils to try to comfort myself because my cousin had died and I was left forlorn and confused about death.

So, what did I want to learn? I likely would have liked someone to talk to me more about death but that just wasn't done for kids then at all. We might all be told to get under our desks at school and wait for a nuclear weapon to blow all us up or melt us all. We might joke about all this with Gallows humor like:"Hey Guys! just Bend over and Kiss your Ass Goodbye!" followed by nervious laughter from the boys and girls crying in the corner under their desks then in 1956.

So, writing for me was a key to staying sane because I was always much more intelligent than most people always. Is it good to be more intelligent? Sometimes. You might survive much better in life being more intelligent but suffer more because you know more than most people do too. It depends upon your perspective whether it is actually better to be more intelligent.

Some of the happiest people I ever met in life could not even read or write and some of them were in Nepal and India. They likely would think everything is okay until a storm caused a flood that washed away their home with them in it. 

But, they would be incredibly happy (more than in the U.S.) until they day they all died that way.

A lot of the world is like this. Ignorance is Bliss!

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