Friday, July 19, 2024

Whatever is happening in the news we all still have to find a way to survive whatever comes

 People are freaked out that Trump will destroy our democracy if he becomes president. However, as I watched him accept his Nomination for President as the Republican Candidate I saw him as a vulnerable old man who was almost just assassinated. I also saw his acceptance speech in the context of being a Rock Concert more than anything else. It was a stage play. It catered to the needs of those watching. Did anything he said have ANYTHING to do with what he was going to do if he were president? No. Not Really. It was like watching a big child doing a reality show for people who like watching reality shows. He made them cry. Their hearts broke for him. But, was there truth about how he was actually going to govern our nation? 


The point of all this is that almost anyone now might become president Trump, Biden, Harris, Nikki Haley, almost anyone in these crazy times we live in.

However, no matter who it is we have to survive this along with our families and friends. Will we have to move to another country to survive what happens? maybe.

Will we die in a Civil War caused by someone like Trump? Maybe.

However, in the end we all need to find a way to survive all this don't we.

Because if we don't survive all this who is going to help take care of our friends and relatives and children and grandchildren.

So, the most important thing here is finding a way to survive no matter what happens during the next 5 years or so here on planet Earth!

By God's Grace

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