Friday, July 19, 2024

How everything Appears to Work?

This is my scientific assessment of what I have observed personally my whole life in regard to how things ACTUALLY work rather than theoretically work in life.

The best way to put this for me at least is that "Everything that goes around comes around" or karma is in action all the time whether we are aware of it or not.

So, developing kindness towards oneself and all others is important to one's personal survival on all levels throughout one's life. 

Often I notice that people who hate themselves (whether this is justified or not) are soon maimed or dead in life.

Often I find that people who hate or kill others are soon maimed or dead in life too.

So, if you want to be happy and have a long and good life this starts with kindness towards yourself and all other beings.

Without this kindness and gratittude often lives are very short. It's also important to develop feelings of kindness to non-human beings like pets and animals too.

For example, the other day I wanted to protect our dog from getting her eyes pecked out by wild turkeys (9 of them in a family group eating seeds off the ground in our yard. My wife was going to go shoe them away but I told her that a family group like that is dangerous. You might shoe away one big turkey or little ones like the two young ones I saw fly into a tree and the other on the roof the previous day that were scared by our dog. But, in a group that large the males at least will fight you until they die by pecking you and scratching you with their claws and flapping of their wings while they peck and claw you to protect their brood. So, I told her to stay back from them. I wanted to throw rocks at them because a group this large isn't good to approach for any human unless you want to be injured. And birds can carry diseases or even fecal matter between their toes if they go after you and after all they are pecking things off the ground so there might be traces of feces in their bills they will peck you with.

The point is these turkeys needed protection too from us just like I needed to protect our corgi dog (who would have no idea how turkeys can fight because she is not big enough to actually scare them away (the adults at least).

My wife wouldn't let me throw rocks either and I didn't want to get into an argument with her over that. The best I could do was to keep her away from them because she likely hasn't seen raccoons attack or monkeys attack like I saw in Asia when whole families attacked people. Also, packs of wild dogs are common in India and a female friend of the family was recently bit by one of a pack of wild dogs and had to go through a rabies series in the last few months too.

The point is, being kind to yourself (by not going after turkeys) and being kind to the turkeys by not injuring them also helps your karma.

Finally one of our housekeepers was bringing in our trash cans from the street into our back yard and the noise finally scared the turkey family of 9 away.

And so far it's been several days and they have not come back. And we decided in order to  protect our dog from injury or blindness from having her eyes pecked out  by turkeys that we cannot put bird seed out for the other birds while the turkeys are in this area.

The point of all this is: "EVerything watches you that is alive. Animals, birds, your babies, your children, your grandchildren everything! So, what you do in regard to all of them and yourselves matters. Your attitudes of kindness, who you pray for, what you do in life including right livelihood. It all matters and that will decide whether you suffer a lot or maybe even not at all really in your lives.

Understanding this is everything. This doesn't mean you shouldn't survive well it just means you should be very careful how you interact with all living things including yourselves. 

Because it appears we don't really belong to ourselves because it also appears to me that we are only thoughts in God's mind. To me, the only way the whole physical universe actually works is if we are all (all beings) thoughts in God's mind.

By God's Grace

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