Monday, July 15, 2024

What's the hardest thing about being a precognitive intuitive?

  Watching people die or get maimed when they don't listen to you when you see what is coming for them in life.

The biggest part for me about being a precognitive intuitive is that I work for God sort of like almost an incarnate Angel here on earth. So, the angels tell me often what is going to happen if something isn't done.

Let me tell you a true story of myself and my family in 1985.

My wife then and my stepdaughter (her daughter from a previous marriage were going to go out on business on a Saturday in 1985. We then lived on the Coast within about 20 miles of where I and my present wife do now as well. As you can see this was almost 40 years ago now and I would have been 37 years old and I am now 76 years old.

I woke up knowing that if anyone drove in a car that day in my family that they could easily die.

So, I got up and told my wife that she shouldn't drive that day. She just said to me: "I have a business delivery and I need to take my daughter to orchestra practice at her high School nearby too."

I begged her not to do these things but she didn't listen to me. Since I had a couple of hours before they were going to go and since they were not listening to me I decided that maybe I could prevent their deaths by praying really hard. So, this is what I did.

Then when they left I had a really bad feeling but I sensed because of my prayers they were no longer going to die.

However, I could not prevent the head on collision that totaled our 1976 VW Rabbit which was one of our vehicles then. But, with God and Angels help I was able through prayer to save their lives.

My stepdaughter ran back to me within minutes with blood streaming down her face asking me to come in another vehicle because there had been an accident.

So, we got into another vehicle we owned at that time and I drove us both to the accident site. I noticed my wife then was having trouble breathing because she had cracked some ribs against the steering wheel because this was before seat belt laws were in place in 1985. Seat belt laws didn't go into effect until at least 1987 or after.

Also, my stepdaughter had hit the windshield with her right hand and head and the ring on her hand had cut her forehead in the accident. But, by putting her hand against the windshield the good news is she didn't go through the windshield in the head on collision on a hairpin turn where neither could see either other until they collided on a coastal mountain road.

So, I couldn't save our vehicle from being destroyed completely and getting totaled but i could save my wife and step daughter from dying by praying for them.

This is often what it is like to be a precognitive Intuitive in life.

You cannot stop all the bad things but sometimes you can save lives through prayer or telling people what to watch out for.

By God's Grace

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