Monday, July 15, 2024

Time has been severely Altered! and people need to understand this.

What happened?

Trump was saved so he didn't die from the assassin's bullets on Saturday. The best way I can put this is this event reminds me of 9-11 in that it is Earth Shaking. In other words the whole world's timelines have been severely altered by his being protected from death and the dropping of his Classified Documents case. What is also interesting is if Cannon's ruling stands the special counsel On Hunter Biden's case will also be thrown out as well. So, this ruling is also to the Biden Family's advantage too in addition to what happens to Trump.

Where is all this going?

What I see as a precognitive intuitive is that 2 billion people less now die by 2100 AD which means that instead of 1 billion people left alive now somehow there are 3 billion people still alive in 2100 Ad. This means that the debilitating Grief of people of 7 billion people being gone will be mitigated because there will still be about 3 billion people alive in 2100 AD. So, this changes the next 500 years or more of human history what happened since Saturday in many many many ways.

Time has been severely altered and people need to know about this for a variety of reasons.

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