Monday, July 15, 2024

Although I have never supported trump in any way I also see simultaneously that he was put in these situations by Time Travelers

Why? When people went forward in Time like (fictitious names) Captain Forward and Lieutenant Back that I have written about they found that human extinction occurred from a virus similar maybe to Covid between 2085 to 2095? So, when they went back to their home time in 1992 in the U.S. as Air Force officers using one of the Saucers that Eisenhower bought which are capable of traveling forward or backwards in time, they reported the extinction events of human kind with videos of all the dead bodies in cities all over the world and that there was no human left alive by 2095.

So, Trump is one of the solutions to this problem. I cannot say exactly why but somehow his similarity to Hitler with the same kind of psychological condition which is a type of personality disorder has helped and possibly (will help) in preventing human extinction here on earth. 

However, I don't believe Trump will be our next president because that might end human civilization on earth too. So, from my present point of view his 2016 election and his attempted assassination Saturday are the events he was necessary for to alter the timelines to prevent human extinction in 2095. I don't really fully understand how all this works nor likely should I for a variety of reasons.

However, I do know that Captain Forward and Lietenant Back (fictitious names of real people) were successful in bringing this information back from the future and now time is being altered in various ways.

1. Trump didn't die like he was supposed to on Saturday

2. Judge Cannon dropped his classified Documents case.

These two events seem to be important to the survival of the human race through 2095. It's not clear to me why this is true I only know it is true at this point.

At this point in time (this could change) the most likely person to be president next is Kamala Harris and not Trump or Biden. The 2nd person who might be next president given the events of today is Nikki Haley.

So, it appears as of (right now) and this could also change as the time line keeps changing is that Kamala Harris or Nikki Haley are the likely next President of the United States not Trump or Biden. (At least at this point in time).

I'm having some trouble trying to make the links work on this page so you can read what I wrote about Captain Forward and Lieutenant back. I may have to give you URLs because the links for some reason are not working right.

Here is some of what I wrote about Captain Forward and Lieutenant Back of the U.S. Air Force in 1992:

Sunday, December 3, 2023

unedited Links of Chapter 1 through 5 of "How did we get to here?" (Or "The Adventures in traveling time of Captain Forward and Lieutenant Back"

Links to Chapter 1 through 5 of "How did we get to here?" (Or "The Adventures in traveling time of Captain Forward and Lieutenant Back"

  How did We Get HERE? Chapter 1

< How did We Get HERE? Chapter 2 /a> 

How did We Get HERE? Chapter 2


< How did We Get HERE? Chapter 3 The next morning

< How did We Get HERE? Chapter 4 The Pentagon and the UN

< How did We Get HERE? Chapter 5: Creating the 3rd timeline in early 2017 "

Note: I tried to modify and edit some of this but found that it wasn't working properly in that I couldn't seem to get the links (word buttons to work between Chapters) so I thought I would just leave it unedited for now so at least people might read it if they are interested.


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